
Recent Successes in Scientific Integrity include:

Improving Drug Safety
Spurred in part by our 2006 report on political interference in drug approvals at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Congress passed a bill in 2007 to reform the agency.

Giving federal scientists a voice
Released surveys of government scientists within the Environmental Protection Agency, Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries division, and climate related agencies documenting that political interference with science has become widespread at the agencies.

Protecting endangered species science
Organized more than 5,000 biologists to fend off endangered species legislation that would have undermined the scientific foundation of the Endangered Species Act.

Protecting the public from unsafe products
Worked with a broad coalition of consumer groups to pass a law giving the federal government the ability to better protect our families from unsafe products. The 2008 law makes available to the public more information on product safety and protects scientists in government and industry who blow the whistle on unsafe products or the misuse of science.

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