The Save Our Seed Project is dedicated to facilitating a Certified Organic seed growing and distribution network in the Southeast so our growers will never need to purchase seeds from outside of our region again.  We believe that for seeds to perform well here in the Southeast, they must be selected in the Southeast.  Success of this project will mark a boon for local Certified Organic consumers, growers, and seed producers.


Visit the Save Our Seed Home Page
Just A Few Huge Reasons to Eat Organic
See Our Save Our Seed Resource Guide
See Our Certified Organic Seed Sourcing Service
Fill Out Our Organic Seed Availability Survey
Check Out Our Up Coming Workshops.

The Pepper Seed Production Guide

The Save Our Seed Project is proud to present the Pepper Seed Production Guide. Please answer a few questions before you download the guide.


Name (We will not share this information with any other organization)
  City State Zip -
  Have you ever saved Pepper seeds before Yes No
(Required) Do you live in VA, NC, SC, or GA? Yes No
  May we contact you about seed saving topics? Yes No
(Required) Are you or have you ever been certified organic? Yes No

Warning: this is a large file and may download slowly. If you have a dial up connection, it may taks up to 10 minutes.OrOrganic Bean Seed Growing Guide

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The Save Our Seed Project
286 Dixie Hollow, Louisa, VA 23093
Phone: (540) 894-8865 Fax: (540) 894-8060
Email Cricket Rakita