Wild and Rare at the Minnesota Zoo

Kids, visit the Medtronic Minnesota Trail at the Minnesota Zoo. You can pick up and complete this cool certificate This is a PDF file. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download it. there. Learn about the eight wild and rare animals This is a PDF file. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download it. on the certificate below.

Who am I?

puma linedsnake warbler baldeagle

lynx paddlefish owl wolf

While you're waiting to go to the Zoo, have some fun! Discover more wild and rare animals here (click on one of the animals below to go to a fun activity):

illustration of six wild and rare species tiger beetle higgins eye mussel spotted salamander least weasel regal fritillary Wilson's phalarope

Bonus letter drop down puzzle! This is a PDF file. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download it.

Solutions to puzzles This is a PDF file. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to download it.

The wild animals featured on this site are only a few of almost 300 wildlife species in Minnesota that are rare or likely to become rare in the near future. We can all help conserve these native animals and their habitats.

  • Learn more.
  • Ask your parents to donate to the Nongame Wildlife Fund.
  • To see some of Minnesota's Wild and Rare animals up close, visit the new Medtronic Minnesota Trail at the Minnesota Zoo.

Visit this page again as we continue to add more activities and information about Minnesota's wild and rare animals.