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Please see EPA's Climate Change site for current information on climate change and global warming. EPA no longer updates EPA's Global Warming Site, but is maintaining this archive for historical purposes. Thank you for visiting the archive of EPA's Global Warming Site.


Many individuals, communities, and states are interested in estimating greenhouse gas emissions or calculating the emissions savings associated with specific emission reduction strategies. Others are interested in conducting in-depth analyses of energy consumption, comparing the energy and cost savings of emission reduction options, or learning about successful greenhouse gas mitigation projects. EPA's State and Local Climate Change Program compiled the following online tools and resources to meet these needs.

Interactive calculators are available online for assistance with estimating greenhouse gas emissions of specific activities and evaluating emission reduction opportunities. The interactive calculators presented here vary greatly in complexity, scope, and intent. The calculators are arranged by sector, and a brief description of each is provided to help you determine which ones best suit your needs.

Computer software packages are available to measure and analyze energy consumption and emission reduction opportunities. They also may be used to verify data, compare emission scenarios, and calculate the energy and cost savings of various emissions activities. Since these software packages are more rigorous in examining emissions than the online calculators, they should provide a higher degree of confidence in the results. A description of each software package is provided.

Case Studies
Real world examples are useful in evaluating emission reduction options. These case studies describe successfully implemented greenhouse gas emissions reduction projects.

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Last Modified on Friday, January 7th, 2000
