Office of Vice Provost & Director


The office of Vice Provost & Director provides leadership to the University Outreach & Engagement Division and the OSU Extension Service.

101 Ballard Extension Hall
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-3606
Phone: (541) 737-2713
Fax: (541) 737-4423

Scott ReedScott Reed

Vice Provost, University Outreach & Engagement
Director, OSU Extension Service
  • Provides leadership for vision, direction and priorities for the University Outreach & Engagement Division, and the OSU Extension Service.

  • Is responsible and accountable for all funds (federal, state, county, grants, fees, etc.) that are allocated to the OSU Extension Service.

  • Has the ultimate decision-making authority for the Extension Service at OSU.

  • Serves on various University and national administrative councils and committees.

  • Reports directly to the Provost and Executive Vice President.

Debbie Maddy

Deborah Maddy

Associate Vice Provost, University Outreach & Engagement
Associate Director, OSU Extension Service
  • Works with the Vice Provost and Director to provide leadership and oversight to the OSU Extension Service.
  • Takes leadership for stakeholder relationships, focusing on internal audiences including program leaders and OSU units collaborating with Extension with special emphasis on OSU Extended Campus.
  • Provide leadership for organizational training and development, and the OSU Extension Service strategic plan.
  • Directly accountable to the Vice Provost & Director and serves as a member of the Vice Provost & Director's Cabinet and the Extension Executive Team.

Keith Diem
Doug Hart

Keith Diem and Doug Hart

Regional Directors

  • Work with the Vice Provost & Associate Director to provide vision, direction, and priorities for the OSU Extension Service.

  • Work with staff chairs on county related issues and assists them with county government and decision maker contacts.
  • Facilitate problem solving and negotiates workable solutions to county related issues and campus/county connections.
  • Supervise county Extension staff chairs.
  • Facilitate the day-to-day operations of the OSU Extension Service.
  • Coordinate program planning and accountability.
  • Work with Extension leadership to assure that Extension resources are appropriately applied to meet high priority needs.
  • Represent the Associate Director on various agencies, councils, and committees.
  • Reports directly to the Associate Director.

OSU Extension Service Mission Statement

The Oregon State University Extension Service engages the people of Oregon with research-based knowledge and education that focus on strengthening communities and economies, sustaining natural resources, and promoting healthy families and individuals.

OSU Extension Service Vision Statement

Extension leads Oregon State University's outreach mission by engaging with Oregon's people and communities to have positive impacts on community livability, economic vitality, natural resources sustainability, and the health and wellbeing of people. Based on these positive impacts, the OSU Extension Service is recognized as one of America's top-5 Land-Grant University Extension systems.

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