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  Links to Database Sources

Production data sources

·        National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA:

·        Economics Research Service, USDA:

  • Briefing Room offers an in depth discussion synthesizing ERS research and the economic issues that frame the analysis. Also contains recent ERS research developments, readings and data, questions and answers, and a collection of other ERS products and services addressing the issue:

Farm income and costs of production data sources

·       Economics Research Service, USDA.

  • Farm Income: forecast, national and State net value added, net cash income, cash receipts, government payments, production expenses, capital replacement costs, number of farms, land in farms, and real estate values. Data downloadable as worksheets from pull down menus:

·       Natural Resources Inventory & Analysis Institute, USDA.

·       National Ag-Risk Education Library, University of Minnesota.

Agricultural and consumer prices and food consumption data sources

·        Agricultural Marketing Service, USDA:

  • AMS Market News: information on price and sales of farm commodities. Reports include information on prices, volume, quality, condition, and other market data on farm products in specific markets and marketing areas. Reports cover both domestic and international markets. The data is disseminated within hours of collection via the Internet and made available through electronic means, in printed reports, by telephone recordings and through the news media:

·        Economics Research Service, USDA:

  • Food market indicators: provide overall statistics describing economic activity related to food production and distribution from the farm to the consumer (domestic or international). The database provides information on the supply, demand, structure, and economic health of the U.S. food system:

  • Food Consumption Data System: amount of food available for consumption and data on nutrient availability in the food supply and on daily per capita food servings:

·        Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor:

Trade data sources

·        Economics Research Service, USDA:

  • Outlook Reports: supply, use, prices, and trade for selected commodities, including supply and demand prospects in major importing and exporting countries, on a monthly and annual basis, including Yearbooks. Available commodities: cotton and wool, feed, floriculture and nursery crops, fruits and tree nuts, livestock dairy and poultry, oil-crops, rice, sugar and sweeteners, tobacco, vegetables and melons, and wheat.

·        Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA:

·        Office of the Chief Economist, USDA:

·        International Trade Commission, Department of Commerce (USDC): searchable data base on US exports and imports by harmonized commodity classification system (HS):

Federal agencies home pages

California specific data sources

  • A Statistical Picture of California's Organic Agriculture 1995-1998.  Karen Klonsky, Laura Tourte, Robin Kozloff and Benjamin Shouse.  University of California Agricultural Issues Center, DANR Publication 3425.

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