Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!
100th Meridian Initiative
Video Library
Stop Exotics, Clean Your Boat

Don't Move a Mussel (Part I): produced by Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission.

DVDOrder the DVD from PSMFC.
Stop Exotics, Clean Your Boat Stop Exotics, Clean Your Boat produced by Minnesota Sea Grant. Click here to watch the video.
Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Clean Boats Mean Clean Waters
30-Second Public Service Announcement about
Eurasian Water Milfoil produced for USFWS
Click here to see the PSA
(This is a cartoon)
Washington Dept. of Fish & Wildlife Boat Inspection Video produced by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Click here to learn how to inspect your boat.

Stop the Invasion

KDWP Zebra Mussel Video News produced by Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks explains what zebra mussels look like and what you can do to avoid transporting them on your trailered boat.
Click here to watch the video.
Lose the Hitchhikers or Lose Your Lake produced by North Dakota Game and Fish Department. An excellent overview of the ANS problem and what you can do about it.
Click here to watch the video.

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Development of this web site is supported by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service through a partnership with the University of Texas - Arlington and contains information and resources derived from a variety of other partners and sources. Materials on this web site are free for public use and are not intended to be used for profit.

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