
Prettyman won't run for school board re-election

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BY MARGARET REIST / Lincoln Journal Star

Thursday, Jan 15, 2009 - 12:18:08 am CST

Lincoln attorney Keith Prettyman will make his second term on the Lincoln Board of Education his last.

Prettyman, 57, said Wednesday the decision not to run for re-election came down to a matter of time.

“When I switched to my new employment it was clear to me I had two choices: Be less effective in my new job, or as a board member. Or give up a lot of sleep — which is essentially what I’ve done the past two years.”

Story Photo
Keith Prettyman (LJS file)

Prettyman, who was general counsel of Assurity Life Insurance when he was elected to the school board in 2001, is now an attorney with Woods & Aitken law firm.

The most difficult part of the decision, he said, is leaving a position he feels strongly about.

“I have not lost any of my interest and certainly any of my passion for LPS and for public education,” he said. “The more I’ve learned the more passionate I’ve become. Unfortunately, for me anyway, I’m not in a position to run one more time and use the experience I’ve gained.”

In addition to Prettyman’s seat, others up for election include  Barb Baier’s seat in District 3, Don Mayhew’s in District 7 and Kathy Danek’s in District 1.

Danek has filed for re-election. Both Mayhew and Baier have said they haven’t decided for sure.

Kirby Young, co-owner of Servant Cab, is running against Danek. Tony Merritt, a project engineer for the Gallup Organization in Omaha, has said he will run for Baier’s seat but has not officially filed.

Recently, two more people filed for the District 5 seat being vacated by Prettyman, and one more person filed for Baier’s seat.

They are: 

* Mike Laughter, 45, 2326 Andrea Place, a Republican and regional engineer for NRG Media, is  running for Prettyman’s seat in District 5.

Born in Lincoln, Laughter has lived in various communities growing up and returned to Nebraska last year. He said he decided to run for the school board because he wants to be “part of the solution.”

One of his biggest concerns, he said, is what he perceives to be a lack of transparency by the board and district. He cited the recent approval of salary increases for LPS administrators. Although he said he thinks the raises were a bit high, he was more concerned by the process.

He has three children. One is attending the University of Nebraska at Kearney. The other two attend Southwest High School.

Laughter was on the school board in Atlantic, Iowa, in 1999.

* JezikaIvy L. Hilgenfeld, 30, 1116 New Hampshire St., a community volunteer and University of Nebraska-Lincoln student, is a Republican who is running for Baier’s seat in District 3.

A Native of Boise, Idaho, Hilgenfeld moved to Lincoln three years ago after a four-year  tour with the U.S. Air Force. She has worked with at-risk youth in Florida and taught school in South Korea. She is studying at UNL’s Child, Youth and Family Studies Department.

Hilgenfeld said she wants to inject a fresh, new voice to the school board. What she lacks in experience, she said, she makes up for with an understanding of the latest research in creating quality education environments.

She said she would like to be a voice to connect new research-based ideas on teaching with the policies and practices at LPS.

One of the biggest challenges facing LPS, she said, is putting the policies of No Child Left Behind into place and ensuring the success rate that will be required by the government in a few years.

She and her husband, Scott, have a 5-year-old daughter who attends West Lincoln Elementary.

* Norman Dority, 4212 Prescott Ave., is a Republican running for Prettyman’s seat.

He owns a piano-tuning business and ran against Prettyman in 2005. Dority has several times been a candidate for seats on the school board, as well as the Lincoln City Council and the State Board of Education. He first ran for City Council in 1983 and for the school board in 1985. He could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

As he nears the end of his final term, Prettyman said among the accomplishments the district has seen during his tenure include a general increase in student achievement, making a smooth transition to a new superintendent, and the renovation and new construction in the district to keep up with growth.

Continuing to see improvements in student achievement will become more and more challenging, he said, especially in difficult economic times.

He said he still hopes to remain involved with education issues. 

“I’ve not lost interest,” he said. “I’ll just be less visible.”

Reach Margaret Reist at 473-7226 or

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Jim wrote on January 15, 2009 2:10 am:
" Starting to clean house. Out of sight out of mind. "

Good wrote on January 15, 2009 5:01 am:
" Glad to see Prettyman go, he allowed the administrators to run the board and was ineffective on the board. "

Carl wrote on January 15, 2009 6:25 am:
" Hopfully he is just the first of many current board members that will not run again. But I guess to thier credit they keep getting elected by the people. "

Wow a little bit of surprise. wrote on January 15, 2009 7:14 am:
" This is the best news I have heard for a long time. Wow, this is exciting. "

Justin wrote on January 15, 2009 7:34 am:
" Prettyman...Please leave before you make any more bad decisions. I think his choices were lose or quit. He choose the later. How honerable. "

Sara wrote on January 15, 2009 9:23 am:
" Time to clean house!! Voting is a priority in my book. "

Ignignokt wrote on January 15, 2009 9:27 am:
" Well thanks alot, Prettyman! Stick the taxpayers with an 11.5% increase in Gourley's salary, then quit. Thanks for that parting jab! "

Hallelujah wrote on January 15, 2009 9:59 am:
" Just a couple of board members to go and LPS can start focusing on the kids and not the administrators! "

Alan wrote on January 15, 2009 11:11 am:
" Hopefully someone who cares about the taxpayers will run. "

Spin wrote on January 15, 2009 11:48 am:
" The spin on closing Hawthorne school should have cause loss of sleep. "

Recluse wrote on January 15, 2009 11:56 am:
" Well, it will be interesting to know the history and personality of whoever runs to replace him. I'll stay on touch for that, even though I don't live in in his district. "

Step right up wrote on January 15, 2009 12:07 pm:
" okay all you LJS armchair quarterbacks, now is your chance to actually step up and do something instead of just gripe behind your computers. run for the board, or at least go and actually vote. "

E Jr wrote on January 15, 2009 12:16 pm:
" Thanks for serving the people of Lincoln for the past 8 years. For free, I might add, since LPS Board members serve without pay. I wonder who among the group making commnents here would serve for free? "

roger wrote on January 15, 2009 12:36 pm:
" The fallout from the "good 'ol boy" vote will be severe. I will vote against Baier also. I urge all to vote against the incumbents and let's turn this board over. "

Phaedrus wrote on January 15, 2009 1:23 pm:
" Mr. Prettyman, thank you for your years of service to our community.

Please do not be too disappointed by all the people who are judging you based on one decision that they don't really understand. After all, none of them have the courage to run and serve. They're more comfortable taking anonymous potshots.

The people who get it appreciate your understanding of educational issues and the work you've done to improve public education for our children. "

Thank you wrote on January 15, 2009 3:47 pm:
" Thanks for stepping down, lets get someone who is serious in there to start cleaning up. "