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Federal Agencies Governmental Agency Publications

  • Government Printing Office (GPO) Access (Search Federal Register etc.) The U.S. Government Printing Office disseminates official information from all three branches of the Federal Governments.
    Federal Register
    Published by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), the Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents.

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  • On June 30 2004, EPA finalized a new rule establishing effluent limitations guidelines (ELGs) for concentrated aquatic animal production (CAAP), or aquaculture, facilities. The regulation will apply to CAAP facilities that generate wastewater from their operations and discharge that wastewater directly into waters of the United States.  The rule applies to facilities that produce 100,000 pounds or more of aquatic animals per year and covers commercial and public facilities.  There are some production systems that are exempt from this final rule, principally ponds. The CAAP ELGs will help reduce discharges of conventional pollutants, primarily total suspended solids. The regulation will also help reduce non-conventional pollutants such as nutrients. To a lesser extent, the regulation will reduce the discharge of drugs that are used to manage fish health and chemicals, such as those used to clean fish tanks and nets.  The Guidance document is intended to help permit writers to develop wastewater discharge permits and producers comply with the requirements for their facilities. Compliance Guide for Permit Writers and Producers. (posted on May 15, 2006).  The Guide is 292 pages long and includes 15 chapters on a variety of topics and an appendix with 32 different sections.

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