California Native Plant Society

Panamint Daisy (Enceliopsis covellei) photo by John GameRare Plant Program

The mission of the Rare Plant Program of the California Native Plant Society is to develop current, accurate information on the distribution, ecology, and conservation status of California's rare and endangered plants, and to use this information to promote science-based plant conservation in California.

Rare Plant Program

  • Rare Plant Program Summary -- What the CNPS Rare Plant Program is all about.
  • CNPS Ranking System -- Information about how CNPS ranks the rarity of a plant species. Includes an explanation of the CNPS rarity lists (Lists 1A, 1B, 2, 3 and 4); as well as information on the new Threat Code, which replaces the RED code.
  • Publications (PDF, 1.4m) -- including a special issue of Fremontia pertaining to laws related to rare plant protection.

Rare Plant InventoryCNPS Inventory of Rare and Endangered Plants of California (CNPS Inventory)

  • CNPS Inventory (6th edition) -- Links to the introductory/background information in the hard-copy 6th edition CNPS Inventory. Also contains important updates for those still using the 6th edition.
  • Online CNPS Inventory (7th edition) -- Links to the Online Inventory where you can search for the most up-to-date information about California rare plant species. Information is updated on a quarterly basis.
  • Taxa not included in the CNPS Inventory -- Contains a list of species that have been considered for inclusion into the CNPS Inventory but were not included for various reasons (Considered But Rejected and Postponed Taxa).

Other Useful Information

  • Rare Plant Review Forum -- access to discussions relating to the status review of species. You must be registered in order to view and contribute to the Forum. Please contact Nicholas Jensen ( for information on how to register.
  • Rare Plant Data – Information on how to submit data on rare plants to CNPS.
  • How to Add, Change, or Delete a Species in the CNPS Inventory – includes a link to the Sponsorship Forms, which can be filled out and submitted in order for a species to go through the review process.
  • Rare Plant Slide Collection/Rare Plant Photos -- We have 2700 slides of over 640 taxa, but need slides for many, many more.
  • Survey Guidelines (PDF, 20k) -- Helps you determine when a botanical survey is needed, who should be considered qualified to conduct such surveys, how field surveys should be conducted, and what information should be contained in the survey report.
  • Locally Rare Plants-- information relating to the recognition and conservation of locally rare plant species. Includes a document explaining how you can set up your own locally rare plant program, as well as links to various locally rare plant lists.

How you can help!

  • Join CNPS -- By joining CNPS you can help support all aspects of native plant conservation and education.

Fritillaria Pluriflora - Ackley 1987Rare Plant Program Contacts

Nicholas Jensen, Rare Plant Botanist
2707 K Street, Suite 1, Sacramento, CA 95816
Phone: (916) 324-3816
Fax:     (916) 324-0475

Larry Levine, On-line Inventory Manager & Developer
Phone: (707) 822-7190

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