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A handful of our Many People


As much as we'd like to, we know we can't cover all the amazing work that keeps the West toiling its way towards solving the tamarisk problem.

In fact, our newsletter focuses on reporting the Tamarisk Coalition's myriad projects, events, and accomplishments in the hope of being "one little non-profit" that inspires many people (i.e. you) to go out and make some history.

November 2008

Big news for the Tamarisk Coalition! In the latest Newsletter you'll find:

July 2008

Our July 2008 Newsletter attempts to condense a few overly stimulating months into one small publication. Good luck diving into...

Yes we have noticed that our letters are not coming in the bi-monthly manner we expected. We are hoping that the many projects we are reporting on will compensate for this loss and earn us your forgiveness...

April 2008

In April our Newsletter was calling for input in the creation of the website you are currently enjoying. Comments are still greatly appreciated. Please feel free to tell us what you think (ctate@tamariskcoalition.org)! The letter also reported on the smashing success of our Island Acres Volunteer Project. Yet another warm applause to all who participated in that event!

January 2008

This Newsletter rang in the year loud and clear with the completion of several exciting watershed initiatives in the Colorado, Dolores, Gunnison, and Uncompahgre watersheds in Colorado and southeastern Utah. The letter also looked to the past to report on the Coalition's 2007 major accomplishments and the current occupations of our alumni staff. We also announced our partnership with Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado to hold the Island Acres Volunteer Project and reported on a tamarisk removal project held by the boy scouts' Order of the Arrow.

October 2007

In October of 2007 our worlds were wrapped up in all things Symposium. To find out more about this event read our October 2007 Newsletter or visit our Conferences webpage.

August 2007

In August of 2007 our Newsletter announced the 2007 Tamarisk Symposium and the completion of a review of over 1,000 environmental funding sources. The funding review summarizes over 178 grants that might be appropriate to address tamarisk issues and riparian restoration.

June 2007

Our June 2007 Newsletter focused on revegetation by featuring an article titled "The Importance of Revegetation for Tamarisk Restoration Success" written by Dr. Anna Sher. The letter also included additional revegetation resources and first announced the 2007 Tamarisk Symposium.

April 2007

In the spring of 2007 biological control was the main focus of our April Newsletter. It featured an articled penned by Dr. Dan Bean titled "Biocontrol of Tamarisk Using the Leaf Beetle, Diorhabda elongata" as well as a description of the tamarisk leaf beetle life cycle.

February 2007

Our February 2007 Newsletter contained a legislative update on federal and state levels, a step by step description of how we created our McInnis Canyons Volunteer Program, and an account of the Western Colorado Conservation Corps aggressive efforts to combat tamarisk.

December 2006

In December of 2006 the Tamarisk Coalition's Newsletter reported on the completion of the Colorado tamarisk mapping and inventory project, the creation of the San Juan Watershed Woody-Invasives Initiative Plan, and describes the trailblazing, international work of the Rio Grande Institute.