GLOBALVIEW data products consist of several hundred text files. Encoded in each file name is the sampling location, platform, and strategy, contributing laboratory, file content, and gas identifier. All file names use the following naming scheme:

[site][data grouping]_[lab#][strategy][platform]_[qualifier].[gas]

  1. [Sampling Site]
    (ex) brw_, poc_, car_, amt_

  2. [Data Grouping]
    Data may be grouped by date, latitude, longitude, altitude, etc.

    If data are grouped by date then identifier has yyyy[mm][dd] format.
    (ex) brw2005_, amt200403_, lef20050315_

    If the sampling platform is an aircraft then the identifier is a
    3-character numeric field with units of 102 meters (hm) above sea level.
    (ex) car040_, haa005_

    If the sampling platform is a ship then the identifier is a 3-character
    alphanumeric field with units of degrees (00-90). Bins in the northern
    and southern hemispheres are denoted as n## and s## respectively. The
    equatorial bin is denoted as 000.
    (ex) pocs25_, poc000_, scsn03_

  3. [Measurement Laboratory ID Number]
    A two character numeric field identifies the measurement laboratory (01-99).
    NOAA ESRL is lab number 01 (link?).
    (ex) pocs25_01, alt_06, aia_02D2

  4. [Sampling Strategy]
    A single alphanumeric character (0-9,a-z,A-Z) indicates the sampling strategy.


    (ex) pocs25_01D, alt_06C, aia_02D

  5. [Sampling Platform]
    A single alphanumeric character (0-9,a-z,A-Z) indicates the sampling platform.

    _???0Single Fixed Surface Site

    (ex) sis_02D0, pocs25_01D1, frd040_06C3, aia005_02D2

  6. [File Content Qualifier]
    An alphanumeric string describes the type of data included in the file.

    _????_ext Extended Record
    _????_wts Extension Weights
    _????_var Atmospheric Variability Statistics
    _????_seas Seasonal Pattern Statistics
    _????_diu Diurnal Pattern Statistics
    _????_tod Sampling Time-of-Day Statistics
    _????_mtx MBL Reference Matrix

    (ex) sis_02D0_ext, pocs25_01D1_tod, frd040_06C3_diu, ref_mbl_mtx

  7. [Gas Name]
    Identifies the trace gas species.

    _????_???.co2Carbon Dioxide
    _????_???.coCarbon Monoxide
    _????_???.co2c13δ13C (CO2)

    (ex) sis_02D0_ext.co2, pocs25_01D1_tod.co2c13, frd040_06C3_diu.ch4,
Complete Examples
cgo_02D0_ext.co2 Extended record derived from CSIRO discrete CO2 measurements at Cape Grim.
mlo_01D0_ext.co2c13 Extended record derived from INSTAAR/NOAA δ13C (CO2) discrete measurements at Mauna Loa.
mlo_01C0_ext.ch4 Extended record derived from ESRL continuous CH4 measurements at Mauna Loa.
wlg_33C0_var.co2 Average atmospheric variability of CO2 derived from CAMS continuous measurements at Mt. Waliguan, China.
pocn30_01D1_wts.co2 Extension weight file derived from ESRL discrete CO2 measurements from POC centered at 30°N. Extension weight file derived from ESRL discrete CO measurements from POC centered at the equator.
orl035_11D2_seas.co2 Average seasonal cycle derived from the LSCE discrete CO2 measurements from aircraft. Altitude bin is centered at 3.5 km.
orl035_11D2_tod.co2 Average sampling time-of-day from the LSCE CO2 discrete measurements from aircraft. Altitude bin is centered at 3.5 km.
lef011_01C3_diu.co2 Average diurnal cycle derived from ESRL continuous CO2 measurements from a tower. Sampling height is 11 m.