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Ohio State University logo Office of the University Registrar

Registration News:
New language courses offered under UZBEK effective SP08
New civil engineering courses offered under ENV ENG effective AU08
FM RES M listed under CS FMRSM effective AU08
HOSP MGT listed under CS HSPMG effective AU08
TXTL&CLO listed under CS TXTCL effective AU08
IND ENG listed under ISE effective WI09
BIOCHEMP listed under OSBP effective WI09
BIOM INF listed under BMI effective SP09



Customer Service Feedback

Give Access Feedback and Report Concerns

Important Links

Registrar's On-line Services

Registration, Transfer Credit, Degree Audit, etc.
Register for courses, check waitlist position, and more

On-Line Service Hours:
Monday - Friday 7:00am - 1:00am
Saturday 7:00am - midnight
Sunday 11:00am - 1:00am

Buckeye Link for Students

Course planning,Advising and Degree, Student financials, etc. (new window)
If you are having problems accessing Buckeye Link, contact either or call 614-688-HELP.

  • access registration
  • search course information and availability
  • run a degree audit
  • use
  • access financial information

General Information

Hours of Operation
Office business hours

Registration at a Glance
Registration and fee information by quarter

Appellate Review Process
Information about the Appellate Review Process

Hold Information
Information about holds and clearance procedures

Explanation of Fees
Instruction and general fee definitions

Course Information, General
Alphabetical listing of course descriptions/master schedule by quarter

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Insurance Waiver Information(new window)
Insurance Waiver Information

Student Information System Project (new window)
Student Information System Project (SIS) updates and information

Academic Rights and Responsibilities (new window)
Processes for Addressing Concerns

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