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  Commodities and Markets

Marketing Profiles Short industry profiles on important California commodities with an emphasis on production, marketing, consumption, value added, trade and price trends for these commodities in the last one to two decades.

The direct economic effects of a policy to provide government subsidized price discounts for the purchase of fruit and vegetable by food stamp recipients.
January 2008 (pdf, 88kb) Karen M. Jetter.
This study evaluates the direct benefits and costs to consumers and producers from changes in prices, consumption and production, of a policy to offer government price discounts on fresh fruit and vegetable to food stamp recipients.

Effects of Price Premiums for Multiple Product Attributes on Product Quality: California Processing Tomatoes (Nov. 2006, pdf, 81 kb) Corinne Alexander, Rachael E. Goodhue, Sandeep Mohapatra, and Gordon C. Rausser.

EU Support Reductions Would Benefit California Tomato Growers and Processors (October - December 2006 California Agriculture, pdf, 5.75 mb)
Bradley J.Rickard and Daniel A. Sumner. Simulation model results from a 50 percent reduction in European Union trade barriers and subsidies.

Political Market Power of Milk Producers Reflected in U.S. Milk Pricing Regulations (July 2006.pdf 1.06mb) by Byeong-Il Ahn and Daniel A. Sumner. This paper assesses the political market power of milk producers relative to buyers in two ways.

Wine on the Web, Susanne Stricker's thesis (in English.) Institut für Agrarökonomie der Christian- Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. December 2003.pdf

Wine on the Web in a Global Market: A Comparison of E-Commerce
Readiness and Use in Australia, California and Germany
S. Stricker, University of Kiel, Germany; D.A. Sumner, Agricultural Issues Center, University of California; R.A.E. Mueller, University of Kiel, Germany. Paper presented at the IFTEA Conference, Debrecen, Hungary. July 2003

An Analysis of the Costs and Benefits to Consumers and Growers from the
Consumption of Recommended Amounts and Types of Fruits and Vegetables for Cancer Prevention
(pdf, html)
Final Report  prepared for the California Department of Health Services Cancer Prevention and Nutrition Section) by Karen M. Jetter, James A. Chalfant and Daniel A. Sumner, 2004.
This study examines the direct economic benefits and costs of Californian consumers adopting four alternative recommended diets: the very minimum 5-a-day recommendation for fruits and vegetables, the 5-a-day commodity sub-group recommendations for a cancer prevention diet, the 7-a-day minimum recommendation for men and active women, and the 7-a-day commodity sub-group recommendations for a cancer prevention diet.

An Economic Survey of the Wine and Winegrape Industry in the United States and Canada. (pdf)
Paper by Daniel A. Sumner , Helene Bombrun, Julian M. Alston, and Dale Heien
Revised draft December 2, 2001

Economic Consequences of European Union Processing Tomato Subsidies (pdf)
Daniel A. Sumner, Bradley J. Rickard, and David S. Hart analyze the impacts of EU processed tomato industry export subsidies, import barriers, and domestic subsidies on EU producers, consumers and taxpayers and on processed tomato market participants outside the EU.

Agriculture in the Sacramento Region, Trends and Prospects
This link provides a detailed portrait of agriculture in the lower Sacramento Valley, and of the economic and policy trends that are shaping its future.

Agricultural Exports for California
This link provides information on the history, methods and resulting data from the AIC effort to develop methods that result in more accurate statistics for international exports of California agricultural products.

AIC Wine and Winegrape Research
This webpage provides results from AIC research on wine and winegrapes as well as related work by other individuals.


California's International Agricultural Exports in 2005 (no.31, April 2007, pdf)
by Omid Rowhani and Daniel A. Sumner
In 2005 California’s agricultural exports surpassed $9 billion for the first time. The data reported in this AIC Issues Brief describe international agricultural exports for 2005, and revisions for 2003 and 2004.

California's International Agricultural Exports in 2004 (no.30, Nov. 2005, pdf)
by José E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner
In 2004 California’s agricultural exports surpassed $8 billion for the first time. This represents a 9 percent increase over 2003 and a 25 percent increase over 2002. The data reported in this AIC Issues Brief describe international agricultural exports for 2004 and revisions for 2002 and 2003.

Does 5-a-Day Pay? (no.27, Sept. 2004, pdf)
by Karen M. Jetter, James A. Chalfant and Daniel A. Sumner.
Study examines potential Gains to Growers from Increasing Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables to Recommended Levels in a Cancer Prevention Diet.

The 2002 Census of Agriculture: A Wealth of Useful Data (no.26, Aug. 2004, pdf)
by Daniel A. Sumner, Henrich Brunke, José E. Bervejillo.
The recently released 2002 Census of Agriculture provides a wealth of new information that will help frame production, marketing and policy decisions about American agriculture.

California’s International Agricultural Exports in 2002 (no.23, 2003, pdf)
José E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner.
The value of California’s agricultural exports in 2002 remained unchanged from 2001 at about $6.5 billion. The data reported in this AIC Issues Brief describe international agricultural exports for 2002 as well as revisions for 2000 and 2001.

Potential Gains to Producers from New Uses for Whey (no. 20, 2003, pdf)
Fiona M. Hutchinson, Joseph V. Balagtas, John M. Krochta, Daniel A. Sumner present research and development (R&D) affecting the dairy industry with new uses for agricultural raw materials. This issues brief reports on the potential economic contributions of one set of such innovations.

California's International Agricultural Exports in 2001 (no. 19, 2003, pdf)
Jose E. Bervejillo and Daniel A. Sumner examine California's year 2001 international agricultural exports using new data from the continuing AIC effort to produce accurate export statistics for the state.

What Determines the Price of Wine? The Value of Grape Characteristics and Wine Quality Assessments (no. 18, 2003, pdf)
Helene Bombrun and Daniel A. Sumner consider how information about grape characteristics and wine assessments affects wine prices.

California's Year 2000 International Agricultural Exports (no 17, 2001, pdf)
Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Jose E. Bervejillo, and Daniel A. Sumner examine California's year 2000 international agricultural exports using new data from the continuing AIC effort to produce accurate export statistics for the state.

Emergent E-Commerce in Agriculture (no. 14, 2000, pdf)
Rolf A.E. Mueller provides some background, some current facts, and some interpretation of the role of e-commerce in agriculture.

California's 1999 International Agricultural Exports (no. 13, 2000, pdf)
Nicolai V. Kuminoff, Daniel A. Sumner and Justin Tamony provide updated export data for 1999 and present highlights from the five years of data compiled by AIC through its effort to develop more accurate methods of producing agricultural export statistics for California.

Contract Use in the California Winegrape Economy (no. 11, 1999, pdf)
Rachael Goodhue, Dale Heien and Hyunok Lee describe the use of contracts in the California winegrape industry, drawing on an AIC survey of 12,000 growers in the state.

Data on California's 1998 Agricultural Exports (no.10, 1999, pdf)
Nicolai Kuminoff, Tiffany Bunney, David S. Hart and Daniel A. Sumner provide updated export data for 1998 from the continuing AIC effort to develop methods for producing more accurate agricultural export statistics for California.

Improved Data on California’s Agricultural Exports (no. 8, 1998, html)
Daniel A. Sumner, Heather Benson, David Hart and Nick Kuminoff summarize results from a larger AIC project that provided a more solid statistical basis for conclusions about the state’s agricultural exports from 1995-1997.

(You may have to browse the Quarterly to find the indicated article.)

Volume 18 No.2, 2004 (pdf)
Study examines costs and benefits of healthy diets
UC studies cost of producing small grains and winter forage for silage
AIC Issues Brief analyzes pistachio marketing order

Volume 17, No. 1, 2003 (pdf)
Food labeling lacks consistency
Long-term scenarios for California agriculture explored
Analysis shows another difficult year for exports

Volume 16, No. 4, 2002 (pdf)
Effects of the farm bill on California commodities
Implications for California dairying

Volume 16, No. 3, 2002 (pdf)
Grape location drives California wine prices
Wine industry contracts increase between growers and processors

Volume 16, No. 2, 2002 (pdf)
New whey uses explored

Volume 16, No 1, 2002 (pdf)
AgMRC Advisory Council helps define projects at San Diego meeting
New walnut economic analysis available

Volume 15, No. 3, 2001 (pdf)
Wine industry faces short-term economic challenges
USDA grant will boost value-added agriculture

Volume 15, No. 1, 2001 (pdf)
New AIC Project to Look at Tomato Industry
Center Study Examines EU Tomato Subsidies

Volume 14, No. 4, 2000 (pdf)
E-Commerce and Agriculture: Executive Seminar
New AIC Publication Views Ag E-Commerce
New "Measure of California Ag" Now Takes Two Forms
Annual Outlook for Wine and Winegrapes

Volume 14, No. 3, 2000 (pdf)
New Center Publication Portrays Regional Ag
Center Updates State Ag Export Statistics

Volume 14, No. 2, 2000 (pdf)
December Date for Executive Seminar

Volume 13, No. 3, 1999 (html)
Executive Seminar Looks at Trend to Global Retailers
Another Year's Data Added to State Ag Export Estimates

Volume 13, No. 2, 1999 (html)
UC Executive Seminar Set for Mid-December
Wine Outlook Workshop: Markets, Contracts, Labor

Volume 13, No. 1, 1999 (html)
Winegrape Outlook Workshop Scheduled

Volume 12, No. 4, 1998 (html)
Executive Seminar Covers Food Marketing System

Volume 12, No. 3, 1998 (html)
New Export Statistics Reported by AIC

Volume 12, No. 2, 1998 (html)
AIC-Generated Export Statistics

Volume 12, No. 1, 1998 (html)
1998 Executive Seminar Announced

Volume 11, No. 3, 1997 (html)
New Center Publication Spotlights State's Foreign Agricultural Markets
Export Data Project Teams AIC and CDFA


Effects of Milk Marketing Order Regulation on the Share of Fluid-Grade Milk in the United States (html) by Joseph V. Balagtas, Aaron Smith, and Daniel A. Sumner. May 2007, Forthcoming in AJAE. This study presents an econometric model that exploits regional and temporal variation in policy implementation to identify the effect of marketing orders on the grade A share of milk.

Domestic Support and Border Measures for Processed Horticultural Products (html) by Bradley J. Rickard and Daniel A. Sumner. This study models reform of agricultural policies that apply to different stages along the vertical supply chain and show the importance of even limited input substitution between raw materials and other inputs. April 2007.

Economic Impact of the Canadian Cattle and Beef Industry of a Disruption of Exports of Boxed Beef to the United States (doc)
Daniel A. Sumner and José Bervejillo. This report evaluates the potential damage to the Canadian cattle and beef industry if legal challenges were to halt exports of boxed beef from Canada to the United States in the near future. August 2005.

Alpaca Lies? Do Alpacas Represent the Latest Speculative Bubble in Agriculture? (pdf)
by T.L. Saitone and R.J. Sexton, September 2005.

A Multinomial Logit Framework to Estimating Bid Shading in Procurement Auctions, With Application to Cattle Sales in the Texas Panhandle (pdf)
by Crespi, J.M. and R.J. Sexton. Working Paper, University of California, Davis, June 2004.

Supermarket Fluid Milk Pricing Practices in the Western United States (pdf)
Paper by Carman, H.F. and R.J. Sexton. Agribusiness, in press (2004).

An Alternative Natural Beef Production System (pdf)
A Differentiation Strategy for California Producers and Packers by Ricardo Verazza Paganini. ARE Update No. 8, Vol. 1, Sept./Oct. 2004. University of California Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Trends in U.S. Fresh Produce Marketing (ppt)
PowerPoint presentation by Roberta Cook, Keynote Speaker, California Fresh Produce and Floral Council, Oakland, California, September 13, 2004. Value-added (fresh-cut produce) is emphasized

Explaining Disparities in the Cost of Healthier Foods (ppt)
Slides from a presentation by Karen M. Jetter and Diana L. Cassady at the American Agricultural Economics Association meetings in Denver, Colorado, August 2, 2004.

United States' Agricultural Systems: An Overview of U.S. Dairy Policy (pdf)
Paper by Daniel A. Sumner and Joseph V. Balagtas published in the Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences.

The Effects of the Northeast Dairy Compact on Producers and Consumers, with Implications for Compact Contagion (html)
Paper by Joseph V. Balagtas and Daniel A. Sumner published in the Spring/Fall 2003 volume of the Review of Agricultural Economics.

California Agriculture 2001: Trends and Issues (pdf)
Slides from a presentation by Daniel A. Sumner to the California Chapter of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, April 27, 2001.

The Agricultural Issues Center's Winegrape Outlook Workshop III (html)
This site contains papers and abstracts from the workshop held in Oakville, California, October 25, 2000.

The Agricultural Policy Outlook (pdf)
Slides from the presentation by Joseph W. Glauber on the U.S. agricultural policy outlook, October 26, 2000.

Agriculture in an E-Commerce World (html)
This site contains presentations and background material from the UC Executive Seminar "Agriculture in an E-Commerce World," held
December 4th, 2000 in Sacramento, California and co-hosted by the Agricultural Issues Center and the UC Center for Cooperatives.

Analysis of Yield and Revenue Insurance for California Vegetables (pdf)
Outline from the Presentation by Nicolai V. Kuminoff to the Western Growers Association on July 26, 2000 (revised from a project by Corinne Alexander and Nicolai V. Kuminoff).

Contracts, Quality, and Industrialization in Agriculture: Hypotheses and Empirical Analysis of the California Winegrape Industry (pdf)
Paper by Rachael E. Goodhue, Dale M. Heien, Hyunok Lee and Daniel A. Sumner, revised December 25, 2000.

Dairy Policies and Trade: Implications for the Next WTO Negotiations
A Special Issue of the Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Co-edited by John Beghin and Daniel A. Sumner. Copies can be ordered from the CJAE website

The Effect of the Northeast Dairy Compact on Producers and Consumers, with Implications of Compact Contagion (pdf)
Paper by Joseph V. Balagtas and Daniel A. Sumner, 2000.

Ex ante Economics of Exotic Disease Policy: Citrus Canker in California (pdf)
Draft paper by Karen M. Jetter, Daniel A. Sumner and Edwin L. Civerolo, prepared for presentation at the Conference: “Integrating
Risk Assessment and Economics for Regulatory Decisions,” USDA, Washington, DC, December 7, 2000.

Farmland, Urbanization, and Agriculture in the Sacramento Region (pdf)
A paper prepared by Alvin D. Sokolow and Nicolai V. Kuminoff for the Capitol Region Institute, Sacramento Regional Futures Compendium. This paper uses recent data on land use, agricultural production and population growth to discuss the future of agriculture in the Sacramento Region.

The books and videos listed below are produced by the UC Agricultural Issues Center and are available in many libraries. Contact AIC ( if you are unable to locate a copy.

The Measure of California Agriculture summary cards
Shaping Agriculture in the 21st Century (1995)
Financing Agriculture in California's New Risk Environment, Proceedings, 1993 Conference (1994)
Agriculture in California - On the Brink of a New Millennium, 1990-2010 (1990)
California's Beef Industry (1991)
California's Dairy Industry: Part I: Organization & Structure (1992)
California's Dairy Industry Part II: Challenges & Opportunities (1994)
California's Rice Industry (Revised 1994)
California's Canned Fruit Industry (1992)

Shaping Agriculture in the 21st Century Symposium Proceedings / Shaping Agriculture: California's Role Video
Shaping Agriculture: California's Role (9 min)
An introductory glimpse at the issues faced by global agriculture in the 21st century using California as a test case for the interaction of population, resources and technology. 1995
Creation of the New Lending Environment (11 min)
Provides a brief look at historical agricultural and banking events contributing to current lending environment. 1993


AIC Director Daniel A. Sumner's University of California, Davis, Agricultural and Resource Economics Faculty Webpage

AIC Associate Director Jerome B. Siebert's University of California, Berkeley, Agricultural and Resource Economics Webpage

California Agricultural Statistics Service

California Department of Food and Agriculture

United States International Trade Commission Online Trade Database

Statistics Canada Online Trade Database

United States Department of Agriculture

United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service

United States Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service

United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service

Wine Economics

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Unless indicated otherwise, all material on this website © University of California AgriculturaI Issues Center.

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