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  research > market profiles
  Marketing Profiles of Important Commodities

Short industry profiles with an emphasis on production, marketing, consumption, value added, trade and price trends for important California commodities. These profiles and more information can be found at Agricultural Marketing Resource Center.

·  Dairy - 2003
·  Apricots - 2006
·  Avocados - 2006
·  Citrus - 2006
·  Cherries, sweet & tart - 2006
·  Grapes, table - 2006
·  Grapes, raisin - 2006
·  Grapes, wine - 2003
·  Olives - 2006
·  Peaches & Nectarines -2006
·  Plums, fresh - 2006
·  Prunes (Dried Plums) - 2005
·  Strawberries - 2006
·  Wine - 2003
·  Rice - 2005
Tree Nuts & Groundnuts
·  Almonds - 2005
·  Peanuts - 2006
·  Pistachios - 2005
·  Walnuts, English - 2006
·  Tobacco - 2007


Vegetables & Melons
·  Artichokes - 2005
·  Asparagus - 2006
·  Broccoli & Kohlrabi- 2005
·  Carrots - 2005
·  Cabbage - 2006
·  Cauliflower - 2006
·  Garlic - 2006
·  Lettuce - 2005
·  Melons - 2006
·  Spinach - 2006
·  Tomatoes, fresh - 2005
·  Tomatoes, processing - 2005

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