The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.    
NF-4 Consulting Team
NF-4 Team Members

Mike Porter
Wildlife/Team Mgr.
Darla Warren
Darla Warren
Admin. Assistant
James Locke
Chan Glidewell
Pasture & Range

James Locke
Ryan Reuter
Ryan Reuter
Charles Rohla
Charles Rohla
Steve Swigert
Steve Swigert
Become a Cooperator

We have received numerous calls regarding Greenbugs, the following article may be useful: Glance 'N Go: A Simple Scouting Method for Greenbugs

Recent Articles by NF-4 Team Members

Don't Overlook Johnsongrass in Your Pasture by Chan Glidewell
7 ratings:
Livestock producers in the southern Great Plains should not overlook johnsongrass in their pastures. For one thing, under certain conditions it can kill your cattle. Another reason not to overlook johnsongrass is that it is excellent forage - if you can get over the fact that it can kill your cattle!

Why Am I Feeding All This Hay? by Chan Glidewell
5 ratings:
How about this for a New Year's resolution? Feed less hay next winter. There is nothing you can do about your forage situation for the remainder of this winter, aside from selling cattle or buying more hay.

Is Winter Small Grain Production for You? by James Locke
4 ratings:
With winter small grain (wheat, rye, triticale) prices near or above all-time highs, producers need to consider adding these crops to their enterprise. Before they try to enter this market, they must be sure they can produce the crop and get it to a profitable market.

Is Fertilizer Worth the Cost? by James Locke
6 ratings:
With continued high costs, producers are asking if it is worth applying fertilizer. To borrow a line from our economist friends, "it depends."

Fall and Winter Duck Foods in South Central U.S. by Mike Porter
5 ratings:
An understanding of duck food preferences is important when managing impoundments and wetlands to attract migratory ducks. Dabbling ducks and wood ducks are the focus of most duck hunters and duck habitat managers in southern Oklahoma and northern Texas.

Make 'Em Gain to Maximize Profit by Ryan Reuter
4 ratings:
With value of gain approaching $100/cwt, average daily gain (ADG) of stocker calves on wheat pasture is a major concern this year. Gain is worth more than it has ever been, and producers should focus on making sure they manage for optimum ADG.

Cost of Production by Steve Swigert
6 ratings:
Between the autumns of 2006 and 2008, we have seen some real volatility in the cattle and grain markets. This condition has forced producers to reevaluate how they go about doing business. We have seen prices for corn double, and fertilizer and fuel triple.

Jan 27, 2009
Prescribed Burning Workshop
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Feb 05, 2009
Pecan & Fruit Tree Pruning Workshop
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More Event Information
Service Area
NF-4 Service Area Map
Useful Information

Brush Control Species:
  Eastern Red Cedar
  Honey Locust
  Sericea lespedeza

Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs)
For those looking for new places to enjoy the great outdoors, the NF-4 service region offers ample opportunies.
Seasonal Guidelines
From the Guidelines*:

  – see all January Guidelines
*General management guidelines for the Noble Foundation service area in Texas & Oklahoma. Consult a specialist for specific recommendations.
Agricultural Listing Directory
  • eCattleLog
  • Custom Hire Listing
  • Hay and Pasture Available Listings
  • Hunting and Recreational Lease Registry
Agricultural Testing Services
Agricultural Tools
Plant Image Gallery
Books for Purchase

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© 1997-2009 by The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc.