353% returns – how does that sound?


"[Global sustainable energy] investment between now and 2030 is expected to reach $450 billion a year by 2012, rising to more than $600 billion a year from 2020. The sector's overall performance during 2007 and into 2008 sets it on track to achieve these levels."
                                                                                      -United Nations Environment Programme

WindWorldwide green investments recorded substantial growth in 2007 with a total of $148 billion in renewable energy alone. Despite the global economic slowdown, investments into green industries are expected to rise as a growing sense of urgency on environmental sustainability reaches a fever pitch.

The question is where, what and how to invest. Bad investments driven solely by hype, varying regulations in different green markets, and uncertain implications for Asia of the current market turmoil can all conspire the derail your investment strategies.

Green Investments Summit 2009 is an ideal platform for investors, governments, project owners and intermediaries to discuss and debate on the exciting opportunities for green investments in Asia.  The theme, “Generating Unique Investment Perspectives and Partnerships for Clean Technology, Socially Responsible Companies and Capital Owners” summarises what you need to do to survive and even prosper in today’s investment climate.

Major themes covered in this forum include:

  • Understanding the Evolution of Green Investments Worldwide and Assessing Corresponding Demands in Asia
  • Understanding Asia Governments’ Fiscal Policies to Encourage Private Sector Investments
  • Examining Challenges in Green Investments and Identifying Strategies to Overcome Them
  • Highlighting Investment Opportunities and Strategies in the Different Green Industries
  • Reviewing Capital Sourcing Decisions and Strategies

Maximise your returns. Hear from the best of minds and learn to shape your own green investment roadmap!