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Table 15
U.S. Manufactures Imports from Individual Countries, 1998-04
(Census Basis; General Imports, Customs; Millions of Dollars)
Country/Region 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 04/03 $ Change 04/03 % Change
WORLD 792,422 882,729 1,013,480 950,680 975,381 1,027,358 1,175,513 148,155 14.4
EUROPE 186,631 204,835 230,354 228,576 231,618 250,406 279,597 29,191 11.7
 Western Europe 176,762 194,857 216,494 216,407 220,368 237,322 262,912 25,589 10.8
  European Union (EU-15) 163,534 180,479 200,905 201,596 205,441 220,489 243,464 22,976 10.4
    Austria 2,464 2,794 3,092 3,803 3,608 4,169 5,239 1,070 25.7
    Belgium 7,920 8,630 9,006 9,080 8,773 8,831 10,521 1,690 19.1
    Denmark 1,969 2,403 2,406 2,912 2,748 3,065 3,286 222 7.2
    Finland 2,421 2,664 2,861 3,071 2,994 3,156 3,359 203 6.4
    France 21,875 23,404 26,990 27,673 25,684 26,010 27,984 1,974 7.6
    Germany 48,688 53,895 57,214 57,696 60,859 66,195 74,698 8,503 12.8
    Greece 319 331 377 315 323 354 431 77 21.6
    Ireland 7,955 10,572 15,883 18,090 21,918 25,265 26,904 1,639 6.5
    Italy 19,374 20,731 22,758 21,533 21,826 22,592 24,762 2,171 9.6
    Luxembourg 373 313 332 305 298 265 291 27 10.0
    Netherlands 5,927 6,731 7,527 7,192 7,303 7,856 8,594 739 9.4
    Portugal 1,056 1,138 1,357 1,334 1,455 1,638 1,829 191 11.7
    Spain 3,887 4,078 4,538 3,982 4,567 5,385 5,997 612 11.4
    Sweden 7,450 7,653 8,862 8,077 8,491 10,235 11,347 1,112 10.9
    United Kingdom 31,857 35,141 37,703 36,533 34,594 35,473 38,221 2,748 7.7
  Non-EU Western Europe 13,229 14,378 15,589 14,811 14,927 16,834 19,447 2,614 15.5
   Bosnia-Herzegovina 7 14 17 11 13 9 9 0 .4
   Croatia 64 101 131 111 134 162 275 113 69.8
   Cyprus 28 27 18 31 21 19 20 0 1.0
   Gibraltar 6 10 1 3 1 3 1 -1 -48.9
   Iceland 66 55 61 70 109 120 104 -17 -13.8
   Liechenstein 242 276 293 224 236 261 286 25 9.4
   Macedonia 157 104 127 96 52 49 57 8 16.3
   Malta and Gozo 334 323 460 362 303 364 358 -6 -1.7
   Norway 1,430 1,578 1,547 1,606 1,562 1,652 1,954 302 18.3
   Other Non-EU Western Europe 31 20 25 17 19 24 25 1 5.5
   Serbia and Montenegro 12 4 2 5 7 11 81 70 638.2
   Slovenia 280 270 306 278 300 476 506 30 6.3
   Switzerland 8,509 9,406 9,942 9,392 9,177 10,417 11,377 960 9.2
   Turkey 2,060 2,191 2,657 2,605 2,993 3,267 4,395 1,128 34.5
  Eastern Europe 9,868 9,978 13,860 12,169 11,250 13,084 16,685 3,601 27.5
   Albania 4 6 3 2 2 1 8 7 565.5
   Baltic States 187 186 212 198 196 260 351 91 34.9
     Estonia 62 48 64 60 83 100 145 46 46.0
     Latvia 74 91 86 59 55 81 105 24 29.4
     Lithuania 51 48 63 80 58 79 100 21 26.7
   Bulgaria 182 154 205 247 282 345 399 54 15.7
   Czech Republic 658 741 1,050 1,078 1,190 1,348 1,695 347 25.7
   Hungary 1,516 1,858 2,675 2,927 2,596 2,666 2,531 -134 -5.0
   Poland 683 697 916 778 897 1,091 1,415 324 29.7
   Romania 374 389 461 484 522 626 831 204 32.6
   Slovakia 163 166 238 233 249 1,008 1,210 202 20.0
   NIS 6,100 5,780 8,098 6,221 5,316 5,738 8,245 2,506 43.7
     Armenia 16 14 21 31 28 35 42 7 21.0
     Azerbaijan 4 6 12 6 7 7 18 11 168.2
     Belarus 102 86 96 99 94 117 188 72 61.3
     Georgia 12 15 11 7 11 15 48 33 222.0
     Kazakhstan 163 222 414 333 307 302 284 -18 -6.1
     Kyrgyzstan 0 0 2 3 5 11 11 0 -4.4
     Moldova 108 87 102 67 38 41 48 7 16.4
     Russia 5,139 4,825 6,558 5,015 4,387 4,847 6,844 1,997 41.2
     Tajikistan 32 23 9 5 1 7 7 0 -.4
     Turkmenistan 2 8 27 35 51 66 75 9 14.3
     Ukraine 490 472 813 567 330 234 636 401 171.2
     Uzbekistan 32 21 32 52 57 56 44 -12 -21.0
WESTERN HEMISPHERE 249,579 285,636 325,511 307,965 308,945 313,132 352,610 39,478 12.6
  NAFTA 223,365 255,639 291,722 274,770 274,296 275,594 307,998 32,404 11.8
   Canada 140,048 159,441 175,241 160,262 158,679 160,819 180,851 20,033 12.5
   Mexico 83,317 96,198 116,482 114,508 115,617 114,775 127,147 12,372 10.8
   Caribbean 5,395 5,544 5,920 5,538 5,319 6,199 6,864 665 10.7
     Aruba 22 37 74 20 25 21 26 5 24.6
     Bahamas 76 87 125 113 135 160 231 70 43.7
     Barbados 30 53 33 32 24 26 26 0 1.0
     Cayman Islands 15 6 6 4 7 8 10 2 23.4
     Dominican Republic 3,829 3,847 3,931 3,717 3,696 3,950 4,011 60 1.5
     Haiti 256 287 283 254 241 320 357 37 11.6
     Jamaica 496 476 479 268 185 204 182 -22 -10.9
     Leeward & Windward Islands 79 118 124 101 104 101 82 -19 -19.0
     Netherlands Antilles 125 116 125 128 108 165 164 -1 -.3
     Trinidad & Tobago 466 514 738 897 795 1,242 1,776 533 42.9
     Turks & Caicos Islands 1 3 2 4 1 3 1 -1 -52.6
   Central America 6,966 8,895 9,242 8,852 9,489 9,894 10,481 587 5.9
     Belize 24 24 24 19 20 22 26 5 21.0
     Costa Rica 1,908 3,059 2,647 1,997 2,241 2,416 2,357 -59 -2.4
     El Salvador 1,271 1,474 1,736 1,773 1,896 1,900 1,936 36 1.9
     Guatemala 1,302 1,446 1,718 1,845 1,910 1,978 2,153 175 8.8
     Honduras 2,077 2,410 2,650 2,707 2,828 2,893 3,157 264 9.1
     Nicaragua 276 325 358 407 470 558 725 166 29.8
     Panama 109 157 110 104 125 128 128 0 -.1
 South America 13,834 15,525 18,575 18,733 19,802 21,423 27,238 5,815 27.1
   Argentina 985 1,054 1,294 1,205 1,204 1,157 1,394 237 20.5
   Bolivia 156 163 137 125 128 147 182 35 23.7
   Brazil 7,697 8,572 10,681 11,224 12,269 13,135 16,189 3,054 23.3
   Chile 845 1,205 1,271 1,516 1,541 1,253 1,807 553 44.1
   Colombia 1,212 1,527 1,675 1,446 1,420 2,040 2,261 221 10.8
   Ecuador 128 157 165 185 159 204 210 6 2.8
   Guyana 34 29 32 32 29 33 38 4 13.4
   Paraguay 18 28 20 12 17 19 20 1 4.9
   Peru 1,376 1,384 1,505 1,326 1,341 1,749 2,868 1,118 63.9
   Suriname 7 16 9 7 6 5 3 -2 -46.1
   Uruguay 176 110 215 137 133 119 118 -1 -1.0
   Venezuela 1,200 1,280 1,570 1,517 1,555 1,561 2,150 589 37.8
 Other Western Hemisphere 18 33 51 72 39 22 28 7 30.3
   Bermuda 10 24 38 61 21 15 24 9 64.5
   Cuba 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 -86.7
   Falkland Islands 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 -66.7
   French Guiana 3 4 2 0 7 3 0 -3 -93.8
   Greenland 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 10.0
   Guadalupe 2 3 9 10 9 2 2 0 -14.1
   Martinique 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 190.4
   St Pierre & Miquelon 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -12.0
ASIA 347,915 383,727 447,418 403,188 424,021 452,053 528,769 76,717 17.0
   Japan 121,102 130,409 145,482 125,630 120,590 117,115 128,530 11,415 9.7
   Korea, South 23,423 30,650 39,272 34,075 34,716 36,093 44,835 8,742 24.2
   Taiwan 32,660 34,696 40,038 32,826 31,749 31,124 33,843 2,718 8.7
   China 69,484 80,139 97,658 100,109 122,558 149,110 192,232 43,122 28.9
   Hong Kong 10,433 10,426 11,334 9,556 9,217 8,761 9,229 468 5.3
   Macao 1,106 1,122 1,264 1,222 1,230 1,354 1,484 130 9.6
  ASEAN (10) 66,747 70,948 80,281 69,378 71,675 73,975 78,967 4,992 6.7
   Brunei 124 128 186 216 198 210 222 12 5.7
   Burma 149 213 429 433 322 247 0 -247 -100.0
   Cambodia 364 590 824 961 1,069 1,261 1,453 192 15.2
   Indonesia 7,144 7,501 8,363 8,249 7,782 7,340 7,973 634 8.6
   Laos 21 12 9 4 2 4 2 -2 -40.8
   Malaysia 18,332 20,713 24,532 21,594 23,382 24,589 26,834 2,245 9.1
   Philippines 11,160 11,719 13,304 10,722 10,362 9,358 8,361 -997 -10.7
   Singapore 18,032 17,841 18,686 14,671 14,508 14,929 15,101 172 1.2
   Thailand 11,259 12,021 13,718 12,296 12,649 12,757 15,054 2,296 18.0
   Vietnam 163 210 229 233 1,400 3,280 3,966 686 20.9
  Middle East 10,342 11,821 15,807 14,977 15,227 16,134 18,267 2,133 13.2
   Bahrain 144 219 326 404 395 368 332 -36 -9.8
   Gaza Strip + West Bank 0 3 5 6 7 1 1 0 -33.1
   Iran 0 2 137 136 149 150 139 -11 -7.1
   Iraq 0 0 0 0 0 1 149 148 14,845.0
   Israel 8,488 9,733 12,795 11,807 12,226 12,575 14,277 1,701 13.5
   Jordan 15 30 72 225 409 670 1,089 419 62.5
   Kuwait 29 36 68 113 62 166 232 66 39.5
   Lebanon 57 38 49 54 45 59 58 -1 -1.8
   Oman 189 209 211 199 256 252 200 -52 -20.6
   Qatar 197 179 379 388 310 256 241 -15 -5.8
   Saudi Arabia 572 651 831 728 533 713 620 -92 -12.9
   Syria 35 48 89 76 48 50 35 -16 -31.0
   United Arab Emirates 610 671 836 838 786 871 892 21 2.4
   Yemen Arab Republic 6 1 8 4 2 2 2 0 2.2
  Other Asia 12,618 13,516 16,280 15,415 17,060 18,387 21,384 2,997 16.3
   Afghanistan 5 4 1 1 4 12 25 13 107.9
   Bangladesh 1,751 1,801 2,269 2,257 2,044 1,987 2,121 134 6.8
   India 7,280 8,021 9,499 8,568 10,554 11,698 14,062 2,364 20.2
   Korea, North 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2,383.3
   Mongolia 40 60 116 141 159 183 231 48 26.4
   Nepal 138 177 229 200 152 171 142 -29 -16.7
   Pakistan 1,653 1,695 2,117 2,202 2,263 2,485 2,819 335 13.5
   South Asia NEC 33 55 95 98 114 94 81 -13 -13.7
   Sri Lanka 1,720 1,703 1,956 1,948 1,771 1,757 1,899 142 8.1
AUSTRALIA AND OCEANIA 4,006 3,884 4,434 4,701 4,469 4,621 5,465 843 18.2
   Australia 3,181 3,063 3,379 3,623 3,424 3,507 4,141 635 18.1
   Australian Island Dependencies 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 80.8
   Fiji 69 73 113 105 82 90 99 9 10.5
   French Pacific Islands 43 46 69 50 40 47 69 22 47.9
   New Zealand 636 652 825 865 869 914 1,117 203 22.2
   New Zealand Isl Dependencies 4 6 7 6 3 7 6 -1 -13.2
   Papua New Guinea 37 3 2 2 5 7 4 -3 -41.8
   Southern Pacific Islands 2 1 1 2 1 2 4 2 114.7
   Trust Territory (former) 30 33 32 40 35 38 15 -23 -60.5
   Western Samoa 2 2 2 3 3 3 2 -1 -28.9
   Other Pacific Islands NEC 3 2 3 3 4 6 2 -3 -58.2
AFRICA 4,292 4,647 5,764 6,251 6,328 7,146 9,073 1,926 27.0
   Algeria 7 62 8 39 11 61 21 -40 -65.5
   Angola 4 11 13 7 8 26 42 16 59.9
   Benin 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 425.0
   Botswana 20 17 41 18 29 13 69 56 413.5
   Br. Indian Ocean Territory 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 -1 -53.4
   Burkina (Upper Volta) 1 0 1 5 3 0 0 0 -15.9
   Burundi 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 10,066.7
   Cameroon 12 10 7 6 8 14 17 3 22.3
   Cape Verde 0 0 1 1 2 6 4 -2 -35.9
   Central African Republic 0 0 1 2 1 2 8 6 331.9
   Chad 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 390.0
   Comoros 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 66.7
   Congo 12 22 30 17 18 15 13 -2 -12.4
   Democratic Rep. of the Congo (Zaire) 95 121 36 36 34 39 23 -16 -41.3
   Djibouti 0 0 0 1 2 1 1 0 38.0
   Egypt 585 533 731 691 1,103 907 1,023 116 12.7
   Equatorial Guinea 2 1 2 28 57 101 100 -2 -1.8
   Eritrea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17.4
   Ethiopia 3 1 1 2 3 4 6 2 59.8
   Fr. Indian Ocean Areas 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 -60.0
   Gabon 19 62 9 10 13 11 15 4 41.9
   Gambia 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 246.2
   Ghana 88 133 69 58 50 29 38 9 31.9
   Guinea 14 18 11 16 21 11 10 -1 -5.6
   Guinea Bissau 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 360.0
   Ivory Coast 14 9 14 12 15 11 11 0 -.5
   Kenya 49 70 74 88 149 207 301 94 45.3
   Lesotho 100 111 140 215 322 393 467 74 18.7
   Liberia 0 1 2 1 2 2 1 -1 -63.5
   Libya 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 13 na
   Madagascar 26 50 115 186 93 201 329 129 64.1
   Malawi 0 2 7 11 12 23 28 4 18.8
   Mali 3 6 9 6 2 2 2 0 7.6
   Mauritania 0 1 0 0 1 0 7 7 1,734.2
   Mauritius 252 251 262 261 270 288 250 -38 -13.4
   Morocco 213 235 284 248 227 202 227 26 12.7
   Mozambique 1 1 0 0 1 3 3 0 -2.2
   Namibia 18 2 9 24 50 111 229 118 105.6
   Niger 1 5 7 4 1 2 2 0 16.2
   Nigeria 13 14 11 9 18 19 30 10 53.9
   Rwanda 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -4.5
   Sao Tome and Principe 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0
   Senegal 4 8 3 96 3 4 2 -2 -38.5
   Seychelles 2 5 7 8 6 6 6 0 4.2
   Sierra Leone 12 9 4 4 3 6 10 4 61.7
   Somalia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 253.8
   South Africa 2,476 2,636 3,618 3,922 3,539 4,123 5,355 1,232 29.9
   St. Helena 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 116.0
   Sudan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -100.0
   Swaziland 20 28 37 56 104 153 198 46 29.8
   Tanzania 20 17 20 15 12 12 13 1 7.3
   Togo 1 1 2 8 1 5 1 -4 -87.2
   Tunisia 47 60 53 56 61 70 87 17 24.5
   Uganda 2 0 8 2 1 2 7 5 240.3
   Western Sahara 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 na
   Zambia 46 35 16 14 6 11 31 20 175.5
   Zimbabwe 103 98 95 64 65 45 61 16 35.3
OTHER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 na
  International Organizations 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 na
  Unidentified Countries 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 na
MISCELLANEOUS (1) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 154.0
DEVELOPED COUNTRIES 444,206 491,059 545,038 510,709 507,469 523,800 582,907 59,107 11.3
DEVELOPING COUNTRIES 348,216 391,670 468,442 439,972 467,912 503,558 592,606 89,048 17.7
APEC (20 countries) 557,894 623,224 718,065 657,292 674,973 702,538 810,959 108,421 15.4

Note: Data are based on the Harmonized System of commodity classification and converted to other classification systems using recent Census data concordances to produce consistent time series. Therefore, the data in this table will differ from values in other published sources. Manufactured goods are defined as SITC (Rev.3) 5-9. Data in this table are unrevised. Table 3 provides revised data for this table's World values.

Source: U.S. Commerce Dept: Census and ITA's TPIS. 1 Including transshipments, carryover adjustments, timing adjustments, and revisions not accounted for elsewhere.

Last updated 4/07/05. Next update in June-August 2006.

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