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Table 5

A. NOMINAL Current Dollars
Year GDP Net Exports   Exports Total Exports Goods Exports Services   Imports Total Imports Goods Imports Services
1976 1,825.3 -1.6   149.5 117.8 31.7   151.1 124.6 26.5
1977 2,030.9 -23.0   159.4 123.7 35.7   182.4 152.6 29.8
1978 2,294.7 -25.4   186.9 145.4 41.5   212.3 177.4 34.8
1979 2,563.3 -22.6   230.1 184.0 46.1   252.7 212.8 39.9
1980 2,789.5 -13.0   280.8 225.8 55.0   293.8 248.6 45.3
1981 3,128.4 -12.6   305.2 239.1 66.1   317.8 267.8 49.9
1982 3,255.0 -20.0   283.2 215.0 68.2   303.2 250.5 52.6
1983 3,536.7 -51.6   277.0 207.3 69.7   328.6 272.7 56.0
1984 3,933.2 -102.7   302.4 225.6 76.7   405.1 336.3 68.8
1985 4,220.3 -115.2   302.0 222.2 79.8   417.2 343.3 73.9
1986 4,462.8 -132.8   320.5 226.0 94.5   453.3 370.0 83.3
1987 4,739.5 -145.2   363.9 257.5 106.4   509.1 414.8 94.3
1988 5,103.8 -110.4   444.1 325.8 118.3   554.5 452.1 102.4
1989 5,484.4 -88.2   503.3 369.4 134.0   591.5 484.8 106.7
1990 5,803.1 -77.9   552.4 396.6 155.7   630.3 508.1 122.3
1991 5,995.9 -27.5   596.8 423.5 173.3   624.3 500.7 123.6
1992 6,337.7 -33.3   635.3 448.0 187.4   668.6 544.9 123.6
1993 6,657.4 -65.1   655.8 459.9 195.9   720.9 592.8 128.1
1994 7,072.2 -93.6   720.9 510.1 210.8   814.5 676.8 137.7
1995 7,397.7 -91.4   812.2 583.3 228.9   903.6 757.4 146.1
1996 7,816.9 -96.2   868.6 618.3 250.2   964.8 807.4 157.4
1997 8,304.3 -101.6   955.3 687.7 267.6   1,056.9 885.3 171.5
1998 8,747.0 -160.0   955.9 680.9 275.1   1,115.9 929.0 186.9
1999 9,268.4 -260.5   991.2 697.2 294.0   1,251.7 1,045.5 206.3
2000 9,817.0 -379.5   1,096.3 784.3 311.9   1,475.8 1,243.5 232.3
2001 10,128.0 -367.0   1,032.8 731.2 301.6   1,399.8 1,167.9 231.9
2002 10,487.0 -424.9   1,005.0 697.0 308.0   1,429.9 1,189.6 240.2
2003 11,004.0 -498.1   1,046.2 726.4 319.8   1,544.3 1,282.0 262.3
2004 11,735.0 -606.2   1,175.5 820.3 355.1   1,781.6 1,490.8 290.8

B. REAL 2000 Chained Dollars
Year GDP Net Exports   Exports Total Exports Goods Exports Services   Imports Total Imports Goods Imports Services
1976 4,540.9 .....   234.7 ..... .....   271.7 ..... .....
1977 4,750.5 .....   240.3 ..... .....   301.4 ..... .....
1978 5,015.0 .....   265.7 ..... .....   327.6 ..... .....
1979 5,173.4 .....   292.0 ..... .....   333.0 ..... .....
1980 5,161.7 .....   323.5 ..... .....   310.9 ..... .....
1981 5,291.7 .....   327.4 ..... .....   319.1 ..... .....
1982 5,189.3 .....   302.4 ..... .....   315.0 ..... .....
1983 5,423.8 .....   294.6 ..... .....   354.8 ..... .....
1984 5,813.6 .....   318.7 ..... .....   441.1 ..... .....
1985 6,053.7 .....   328.3 ..... .....   469.8 ..... .....
1986 6,263.6 .....   353.7 ..... .....   510.0 ..... .....
1987 6,475.1 .....   391.8 ..... .....   540.2 ..... .....
1988 6,742.7 .....   454.6 ..... .....   561.4 ..... .....
1989 6,981.4 .....   506.8 ..... .....   586.0 ..... .....
1990 7,112.5 -54.7   552.5 367.2 188.7   607.1 469.7 142.7
1991 7,100.5 -14.6   589.1 392.5 199.9   603.7 469.3 139.0
1992 7,336.6 -15.9   629.7 421.9 210.8   645.6 513.1 135.5
1993 7,532.7 -52.1   650.0 435.6 217.5   702.1 564.8 139.4
1994 7,835.5 -79.4   706.5 478.0 231.1   785.9 640.0 147.3
1995 8,031.7 -71.0   778.2 533.9 245.8   849.1 697.6 152.1
1996 8,328.9 -79.6   843.4 581.1 263.5   923.0 762.7 160.5
1997 8,703.5 -104.6   943.7 664.5 279.2   1,048.3 872.6 175.6
1998 9,066.9 -203.7   966.5 679.4 287.2   1,170.3 974.4 195.6
1999 9,470.3 -296.2   1,008.2 705.2 303.2   1,304.4 1,095.2 209.1
2000 9,817.0 -379.5   1,096.3 784.3 311.9   1,475.8 1,243.5 232.3
2001 9,890.7 -399.1   1,036.7 736.3 300.4   1,435.8 1,204.1 231.6
2002 10,074.8 -472.1   1,012.3 706.4 305.7   1,484.4 1,248.5 235.9
2003 10,381.3 -518.5   1,031.8 721.7 309.9   1,550.3 1,307.3 243.3
2004 10,841.9 -583.7   1,120.3 785.5 334.6   1,704.0 1,448.2 257.3

NOTE: Compiled from official statistics of the U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. Data reflect revisions through 3/30/2005. National Income and Products Accounts basis for goods and services reflects adjustments for statistical differences and coverage to the Balance of Payments basis. The major adjustments concern the treatment of U.S. territories, Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands and nonmonetary gold transactions. Goods valuation are F.a.s. for exports and Customs value for imports. Totals will not always equal the sum of the components because of rounding and use of the chained price methodology.

Last updated 4/13/2005. Next update Summer 2005.

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