Natural resource planning

Additional resources

Embrace Open Space, from the McKnight Foundation - a wealth of information for communities plotting out a sustainable future.

Community tools

For local units of government
Making land use decisions at a local level to reflect natural resource values.

Each day in the seven-county Twin Cities metro region alone, some 60 acres of open space are lost to development. Across the state, local units of government are making planning and zoning decisions that will determine the fate of thousands of acres of habitat. To make sound decisions that balance economic and social considerations with conservation, decision makers and citizens need good information and an understanding of how it can be used to maintain our natural infrastructure.

The Minnesota DNR is committed to working with local government to accommodate growth in a way that preserves the benefits arising from our rich base of natural resources. A wide range of tools and programs are available to help decision makers and citizens make wise choices.

Ecological assistance


Growth Pressures on Sensitive Natural Areas

A report by Ameregis and the MN DNR. 

Land Cover Classification System

Metro Conservation Corridors

Metro Greenways

Natural resource checklists

Natural resource information guide

Trails and waterways natural plant communities

Guidelines for managing and restoring natural plant communities along trails and waterways 

Using Natural Resources Information in Comprehensive Planning

Roadsides for wildlife