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Avian Influenza: News and Information

Avian influenza experts talk about the issues

Hear it straight from California experts about the threat of a global bird-flu epidemic. The following research scientists and public-health experts from UC Davis and other Northern California organizations addressed the gamut of common concerns at an Avian Influenza Symposium held in Davis, Calif., on April 15, 2006.

Organized by the Yolo Audubon Society, the program particularly emphasized the role that wild birds might play in spreading avian influenza to humans. The society offers a written summary of the day's events as a PDF download.

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Natural history of influenza

  • Virginia Hinshaw, Ph.D., virologist and influenza expert, provost and executive vice chancellor, UC Davis

    (Google Video)

Ecology of bird populations in the Pacific Flyways: Connections with influenza areas in Asia

Status and future expectations for avian influenza in Pacific Flyway: Potential for threats to humans

  • Walter Boyce, DVM, Ph.D., professor, School of Veterinary Medicine and executive director, Wildlife Health Center, UC Davis

    (Google Video)

Status and future expectations for avian influenza in West Coast domestic bird populations: Potential for threats to humans

  • Carol Cardona, DVM, Ph.D., poultry extension veterinarian, associate professor, School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis

    (Google Video)

Wetland management as a strategy to fight avian influenza: Threats to wildlife and benefits to humans

Panel discussion and questions from audience

  • John Takekawa, U.S. Geological Survey
  • Walter Boyce, UC Davis
  • Carol Cardona, UC Davis
  • Bob McLandress, California Waterfowl Association

    (Google Video)

Legislative actions and the Avian Flu Wildlife Surveillance Act (Calif. Assembly Bill AB 874)

  • Diane Colborn, chief consultant, Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife, California Assembly


Federal and state planning

  • Christian Sandrock, M.D., assistant professor of Clinical Medicine, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care, Division of Infectious Diseases, School of Medicine, UC Davis


Local planning

Private sector planning

  • Regina Phelps, president, Emergency Management & Safety Solutions Inc., San Francisco

    (Google Video)

Panel discussion and questions from audience

  • Christian Sandrock, UC Davis
  • Bette Hinton, Yolo County
  • Regina Phelps, Emergency Management & Safety Solutions Inc.

    (Google Video)

Closing remarks

Last updated July 17, 2006

Questions or comments? Contact Susanne Rockwell, UC Davis News Service, (530) 752-2542

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