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Marine Conservation

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Less than 1% of our world's oceans are currently protected.
With your help, we can conserve marine habitat around the world.

Marine Conservation

Once considered a limitless and inexhaustible resource, oceans are in jeopardy. The demands of a growing population are damaging marine ecosystems and depleting ocean and coastal resources. New and innovative approaches are needed now to maintain and restore the biological wealth of the world's oceans and coasts.

What The Nature Conservancy Is Doing
The Nature Conservancy is turning the tide of coastal degradation and shaping a future of healthy oceans. With the leadership of our Global Marine Initiative, we work with partners around the world to find lasting solutions that benefit marine life, local communities and coastal economies by:

Conserving ocean and coastal ecosystems will improve water quality, protect diverse marine habitat and benefit economies and livelihoods of coastal communities for generations. Through science, market-based strategies, restoration and resilient habitat protection, The Nature Conservancy finds innovative, lasting solutions for marine conservation.

What's New:

Great South Bay Clams
Make a Comeback

See how the Conservancy is helping to restore clam populations in New York's Great South Bay.

Saving Sea Turtles
Read a Nature Conservancy article on how the Conservancy is helping sea turtles make a comeback.
Expedition Vancouver:
Shellfish at Risk

A Conservancy marine scientist searches for the last remaining healthy Olympic oyster reefs in Vancouver.

What You Can Do

Get the facts and tips you need to help the Conservancy change the course for our oceans and coasts and the people who depend on them.

Go Deeper

Download our brochure for an overview of what we're doing to protect the world's oceans.


Images (left to right, top to bottom): Lagoon at the Palmyra Atoll © Robert Schallenberger; Clown fish in anemone © Daniel and Robbie Wisdom, Scientists © David Wachenfeld/Triggerfish Images