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  • Want to be part of the renewable energy revolution? BERC is currently looking to fill two full-time positions: Project Manager and Project Assistant (click here for details)  
  • Click here for information generated from the November 14th Vermont Grass Energy Symposium, including panel presentations.
  • For ongoing discussion about the current state and future of grass energy (growing, harvesting, processing, pelletizing, and combustion) as a renewable biomass fuel, visit the Grass Energy Google Group.
BERC Mission Statement PDF Print E-mail

The Biomass Energy Resource Center (BERC) is an independent, national nonprofit organization located in Montpelier, Vermont that assists communities, colleges and universities, state and local governments, businesses, utilities, schools, and others in making the most of their local energy resources.

BERC’s mission is to achieve a healthier environment, strengthen local economies, and increase energy security across the United States through the development of sustainable biomass energy systems at the community level. BERC’s particular focus is on the use of woody biomass and other pelletizable biomass fuels.

BERC strives to be the premier organization promoting sustainable biomass energy systems at the community scale.


What is Biomass

What is biomass?

Biomass is any biological material that can be used as fuel. Biomass fuel is burned or converted in systems that produce heat, electricity, or both heat and power.

Woodchips, wood pellets, and other low-grade wood wastes are the major type of biomass fuel. Other common biomass fuel sources are agricultural crop residues and farm animal wastes.

Join an online discussion group on Grass Energy

For ongoing discussion about the current state and future of grass energy (growing, harvesting, processing, pelletizing, and combustion) as a renewable biomass fuel, visit the Grass Energy Google Group.


Q: What is biomass?
A:  Biomass is any biological material that can be used as fuel. Biomass fuel is burned or converted in systems that produce heat, electricity, or both heat and power.  Woodchips, wood pellets, and other low-grade wood wastes are the major type of biomass fuel. Other common biomass fuel sources are agricultural crop residues and farm animal wastes.

Q: What is BERC? How can you help us with our project?
A: BERC is a national nonprofit located in Montpelier, Vermont, that works on projects around the country to install systems that use biomass fuel to produce heat and/or electricity.  BERC’s partners in these projects have included schools, communities, colleges, businesses, utilities, and government agencies.  We offer services in program design and project assessment and implementation as well as a variety of technical resources.  Program services include Fuels For Schools, Clean Energy Funds, state energy planning for biomass, and forest fire hazard reduction.  BERC project work includes biomass energy feasibility studies, biomass energy project development and management, and technology development.

Q: What kinds of facilities use biomass?
Facilities suitable for biomass systems include schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, public buildings, hotels and motels, commercial buildings, greenhouses, large-scale agricultural operations, manufacturing plants, power plants, and community district energy systems (the latter being the use of a central heating plant to provide heat to multiple buildings using buried pipes to distribute the energy). BERC’s expertise is in ‘community-scale’ biomass systems in the 1-to-10 million Btu per hour (output) range.


BERC in the News

BERC in the News

Calais Inventor Brings Wood Chips to Schools
Rutland Herald & Times Argus, December 14, 2008
Hot topic: Wood or pellets?
Champlain Business Journal, November 2008
A Wood-Fueled Future?
The Montpelier Bridge, November 6, 2008

Romancing the Stove: Vermonters' Ardor for Wood Heat Returns
The Montpelier Bridge, September 18, 2008

Vermont Funds Biomass Projects: The Central Vermont Public Service utility recently approved $500,000 in renewable energy projects
Biomass Magazine, August 8, 2008 at 9:14 a.m. CST

Finding value in lumber leftovers
Marketplace, National Public Radio, August 6, 2008

Schools may switch to energy efficient heating system with federal help
Vermont Pubic Radio, June 17, 2008

Reading, writing and renewables: Vermont schools lead the way on alternative energy
Rutland Herald/Times Argus, Vermont, May 25, 2008

School Board considers installing biomass boiler
Bennington Banner (Vermont), March 15, 2008

Vermont organization develops tool to assess biomass supply
Web exclusive posted Feb. 28, 2008, at 9:24 p.m. CST

Copyright © 2008 - Biomass Energy Resource Center P.O. Box 1611 Montpelier, VT 05601 ph. 802.223.7770 info@biomasscenter.org