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1.16.2009 [ Search/Archives  | Facts & Figures  | UC Davis Experts  | Seminars/Events  ]

UC Davis experts: Solving crimes through forensic science

The University of California, Davis, has campus experts available to provide commentary related to the causes of fires and explosions.


Fred Tulleners is an expert on identification and matching of bullets and firearms, trajectory reconstruction and crime scene reconstruction. He spent more than three decades working in criminalistics and law enforcement before joining UC Davis as administrative director of the forensic science program within UC Davis Extension. Most recently, he was director of the California Department of Justice laboratory in Sacramento, as well as director of the California Criminalistics Institute and the Sacramento and Santa Rosa county criminalistics laboratories. Contact: Fred Tulleners, Forensic Science, (530) 757-8699 (Tuesday through Thursday), (916) 956-0080 (cell), ftulleners@ucdavis.edu.

Investigating fires and explosions

David Howitt is a professor of materials science and chair of the graduate group in forensic science at UC Davis. He has worked as an adviser to the California Criminalistics Institute and the California Department of Justice, and served as an expert witness in civil and criminal trials, especially on tracing the causes of fires and explosions. Contact: David Howitt, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, office (530) 752-1164, weekend cell (530) 570-0575, dghowitt@ucdavis.edu.

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