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UC Davis experts: Environmental science and policy

The University of California, Davis, is one of the world's leading institutions in the environmental sciences. Following is a sample of our more than 250 faculty members who support an unmatched array of environmental programs in human and animal health, agriculture, biological sciences, engineering, physical sciences, law, social sciences, literature and the arts.


Graham Fogg

Expertise: Groundwater contaminant transport; groundwater basin characterization and management; long-term sustainability of regional groundwater quality; vulnerability of aquifers to non-point-source groundwater contaminants

News release: "Aquifears: Groundwater is underfoot, underappreciated and under siege" (UC Davis Magazine, Winter 2001)

Charles Goldman

  • Professor of environmental science and policy
  • Director, Tahoe Research Group (studies of Tahoe Basin with broad applicability to entire Sierra Nevada)
    (530) 752-1557

Expertise: Lake eutrophication, based on 40-year study of Lake Tahoe and Castle Lake; analysis of nutrient flow into lakes; management strategies; water-quality restoration
News release: "UC Davis Receives $2.6 Million Grant For Tahoe Research Center" (April 17, 2001)

Jeffrey Mount

  • Professor of geology
  • Director of UC Davis Center for Integrated Watershed Science and Management (studies of water quality, aquatic biology, hydrology, air quality, land use management, alpine lakes)
  • Director of Cosumnes Research Group (river management and restoration studies on Cosumnes River, the only remaining waterway flowing unchecked from Sierra Nevada to Sacramento River Delta)
    (530) 752-7092

Expertise: Processes that shape Earth's surface; how rivers and watersheds evolve; how humans affect natural processes; author of "California Rivers and Streams"; member NAS science advisory panel on Klamath Basin

News releases: "Using Levee Breaches to Restore Habitat, Control Floods" (Nov. 9, 2000), "Cosumnes River Study To Be A Watershed Event" (Dec. 10, 1999)

John Reuter

  • Academic administrator of environmental science and policy
  • Director, Lake Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program (studies of effects of watershed and atmospheric processes on water quality of Lake Tahoe)
    (530) 304-1473

Expertise: Lake eutrophication; water-quality modeling

News release: "UC Davis and Nevada Scientists Advance Tahoe Research Partnership" (April 13, 2000)


Thomas Cahill

  • Professor emeritus of atmospheric science and physics
  • Director, UC Davis DELTA research group (Detection and Evaluation of Long-Range Transport of Aerosols)
    (530) 752-4674

Expertise: Air quality, particularly size and composition of fine and very fine particles; automotive and industrial emissions; global transport of aerosols

News releases: "Trade Center Air Held Unprecedented Amounts of Very Fine Particles, Silicon, Sulfates, Metals" (Feb. 11, 2002), "Trans-Pacific Air Pollution Is Worse Than Was Suspected" (July 27, 2000)

Daniel Chang

Expertise: Physico-chemical behavior of air pollutants; their effects on human health; their measurement, production and control by biological treatment and combustion of chlorinated wastes

News release: "Sources on MTBE Contamination" (May 12, 2000)

Daniel Sperling

  • Professor of environmental science and policy; civil and environmental engineering
  • Director of UC Davis Institute of Transportation Studies (studies in advanced transportation technologies; energy and environmental impacts; travel behavior)
    (530) 752-7434

Expertise: Transportation technology assessment; energy and environmental aspects of transportation; transportation policy

News release: "Clean-Cars Expert to Testify Before House Committee" (Feb. 6, 2002)


Kate Scow

Expertise: Soil science; soil microbial ecology; biological degradation of organic pollutants (PAHs, chlorinated solvents, MTBE)

News release: "Sources on MTBE Contamination" (May 12, 2000)


Michael Barbour

Expertise: Environmental factor limiting distribution of vegetation; human effects on vegetation; vernal pools

News release: "Splendor in the Grass" (UC Davis Magazine, Spring 2002)

Walter Boyce

  • Professor of veterinary medicine
  • Director of UC Davis Wildlife Heath Center (studies of health of free and captive terrestrial and aquatic wild animals)
    (530) 752-1401

Expertise: Veterinary medicine; conservation biology

News release: "Unique Study to Examine Cougars, Deer, Sheep -- and People" (May 15, 2001)

Kevin Rice

  • Professor of agronomy and range science
  • Head of UC Davis Ecology Graduate Group
    (530) 752-8529

Expertise: Restoration ecology -- studies native species in efforts to restore disturbed lands and damaged ecosystems

Susan Williams

  • Professor of environmental science and policy
  • Director of UC Davis Bodega Marine Laboratory (studies of aquaculture and fisheries management and conservation; population biology of marine and coastal plants and animals)
    707) 875-2211

Expertise: Nutrient cycles; plant-animal interactions; restoration genetics biology of near-shore marine communities, particularly seagrasses, seaweeds and coral reefs

News release: "Experts Call for Stricter Controls on Aquaculture" (Nov. 28, 2001)

Population biology

Rick Grosberg

  • Professor of evolution and ecology
  • Director of UC Davis Center for Population Biology (studies of fundamental biological processes underlying changes in populations)
    (530) 752-1114

Expertise: Evolution of allorecognition and kin recognition in aquatic invertebrates, including colonial sea squirts and sea anemones; effect of recognition systems on intraspecific aggression and cooperation; evolution of complex life cycles; heads $2.6 million, five-year NSF training program in invasive species

News release: "Grant Will Train Scientists On Invasive Species" (Oct. 18, 2002)

Peter Moyle

Expertise: Ecology and conservation of freshwater, anadromous and estuarine fishes; p remier authority on California native fishes; member NAS science advisory panel on Klamath Basin

News release: "Examining Past May Help Biologists Restore Salmon Populations" (Jan. 20, 1999)

Society and culture

Mark Wheelis

  • Senior lecturer of microbiology
  • Director of UC Davis Nature and Culture Program (undergraduate studies exploring relationships between human cultures and natural world)
    (530) 752-0562

Expertise: Control of biological weapons; history of biological warfare

News release: "A Mind Competent in All Its Concerns: Nature and Culture at UC Davis" (UC Davis Magazine, Fall 1998)

Media contacts:

  • Sylvia Wright, News Service, (530) 752-7704, swright@ucdavis.edu
  • Claudia Morain, UC Davis News Service, (530) 752-9841, .

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Last updated January 22, 2004

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