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1.16.2009 [ Search/Archives  | Facts & Figures  | UC Davis Experts  | Seminars/Events  ]

UC Davis experts: Animal science

UC Davis faculty members from a variety of disciplines are available to discuss issues related to animals. If you need information on a topic not listed, please contact Patricia Bailey, News Service, (530) 752-9843, pjbailey@ucdavis.edu or Sylvia Wright, News Service, (530) 752-7704, swright@ucdavis.edu..

Managing dairy manure

University of California researchers have developed technology and research to help dairy farmers managing their manure lagoons better, thereby lowering fertilizer costs and protecting groundwater. The dairy project is part of the Biologically Integrated Farming Systems administered by the UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program. The three Cooperative Extension specialists who developed the dairy program can talk about how the new system can help reduce excess nutrients moving into aquifers. Contacts: Stu Pettygrove, Land, Air and Water Resources, (530) 752-2533, gspettygrove@ucdavis.edu; Deanne Meyer, Animal Science, (530) 752-9391, dmeyer@ucdavis.edu; and Dan Putnam, Agronomy and Range Science, (530) 752-8982, dhputnam@ucdavis.edu.

Livestock in developing countries

Montague "Tag" Demment is a professor in the agronomy and range science department. His research focuses on the nutritional ecology of plant-eating animals, ranging from rats to elephants. He is interested in the role that the process of food-acquisition and nutrition play in the ecology of the animal. Demment directs the UC Davis-based Global Livestock Collaborative Research Support Program, an international research program focused on improving livestock production in developing nation in order enhance food security and human welfare in those countries. Contact: Montague "Tag" Demment, Agronomy and Range Science, (530) 752-7757 or 752-1721, mwdemment@ucdavis.edu.

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Last updated January 22, 2004

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