banner, The Western Front

Newsletters Published by the Western IPM Center

The Western Front is published three times a year by the Western IPM Center at 4249 Meyer Hall, One Shields Ave., University of California, Davis, Calif., 95616. WIPMC launched the inaugural edition in February, 2005.

See also the Western IPM Center's mid-term report (April, 2006)

Rick Melnicoe
Send suggestions to:
Rick Melnicoe
Director, Western Integrated Pest Management Center
Director, Office of Pesticide Information and Coordination (UC Statewide Pesticide Coordinator)
One Shields Avenue
4249 Meyer Hall (FedEx Deliveries only)
University of California
Davis, CA 95616-8588
Phone: (530) 754-8378
Fax: (530) 754-8379

The Western Front banner images: Wheat field, Rick Melnicoe, WIPMC; Seattle skyscrapers, Denny Fleenor, Washington State University, Pullman, Wash.; and creek in foothills, Suzanne Paisley, ANR Communication Services, UC Davis.

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