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Dr. Brady's Articles

"Cerebroside Synthesis in Gaucher’s Disease" by Eberhard G. Trams and Roscoe O. Brady. In Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 39, 1960. Pages 1546-1550.

"Metabolism of Glucocerebrosides, I: Purification and Properties of a Glucocerebroside-cleaving Enzyme from Spleen Tissue" by Roscoe O. Brady, Julian N. Kanfer, and David Shapiro. In Journal of Biological Chemistry, Vol. 240, 1965. Pages 39-42.

"Metabolism of Glucocerebrosides, II: Evidence of an Enzymatic Deficiency in Gaucher’s Disease" by Roscoe O. Brady, Julian N. Kanfer, and David Shapiro. In Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1965. Pages 221-225.

"Demonstration of a Deficiency of Glucocerebroside-cleaving Enzyme in Gaucher’s Disease," by Roscoe O. Brady, Julian N. Kanfer, Roy M. Bradley, and David Shapiro. In Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 45, 1966. Pages 1112-1115.

"Diagnosis of Gaucher’s Disease and Niemann-Pick Disease Using Small Samples of Venous Blood" by John P. Kampine, Roscoe O. Brady, Julian N. Kanfer, Minna Feld, and David Shapiro. In Science, Vol. 153, 1967. Pages 86-88.

"Identification of Heterozygous Carriers of Lipid Storage Diseases" by Roscoe O. Brady, William G. Johnson, and B.William Uhlendorf. In American Journal of Medicine, Vol. 51, 1971. Pages 423-31.

"Infantile (Type II) Gaucher’s Disease: In Utero Diagnosis and Fetal Pathology" by Edward L. Schneider, William G. Ellis, Roscoe O. Brady, J.R. McCulloch, and Charles J. Epstein. In Journal of Pediatrics, Vol. 81, 1972. Pages 1134-1139.

"Replacement Therapy for Inherited Enzyme Deficiency: Use of Purified Glucocerebrosidase in Gaucher’s Disease" by Roscoe O. Brady, Peter G. Pentchev, Andrew E. Gal, Sue R. Hibbert, and Anatole S. Dekaban. In New England Journal of Medicine, No. 291, November 7, 1974. Pages 989-993.

"Enzyme Replacement Therapy in Gaucher’s Disease: Large-scale Purification of Glucocerebrosdiase Suitable for Human Administration" by F. Scott Furbish, Henry E. Blair, Joseph Shiloach, Peter G. Pentchev, and Roscoe O. Brady. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, Vol. 74, No. 8, August 1977. Pages 3560-3563.

"Therapeutic Response to Intravenous Infusions of Glucocerebrosdiase in a Patient with Gaucher Disease" by Norman W. Barton, F. Scott Furbish, Gary J. Murray, Mark Garfield, and Roscoe O. Brady. In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, Vol. 87, March 1990. Pages 1913-1916.

"Replacement Therapy for Inherited Enzyme Deficiency: Macrophage-Targeted Glucocerebrosidase for Gaucher’s Disease" by Norman W. Barton, Roscoe O. Brady, James M. Dambrosia, Adrian M. Di Bisceglie, Samuel H. Doppelt, Suvimol C. Hill, Henry J. Mankin, Gary J. Murray, Robert I. Parker, Charles E. Argoff, Raji P. Grewal, Kian-Ti Yu, and collaborators. In New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 324, May 23, 1991. Pages 1464-1470.

"Development of Effective Enzyme Therapy for Metabolic Storage Disorders" by Roscoe O. Brady and Norman W. Barton. In International Pediatrics, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1994. Pages 175-180.

"Enzyme Replacement Therapy for Gaucher Disease: Critical Investigations Beyond Demonstration of Clinical Efficacy" by Roscoe O. Brady and Norman W. Barton. In Biochemical Medicine and Metabolic Biology, Vol. 52, 1994. Pages 1-9.

"Development of Effective Enzyme Replacement Therapy for Hereditary Metabolic Disorders" by Roscoe O. Brady. In Resident and Staff Physician, Vol. 41, No. 8, August 1995. Pages 38-40.

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