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November 6, 2008    DOL Home > About DOL > Web Site Notices > Accessibility Statement   

Accessibility Statement

The U. S. Department of Labor (DOL) is committed to providing access to all individuals who are seeking information from our Web site. To provide this information, the DOL Web site has been designed to comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 as amended.

Section 508 requires that all individuals with disabilities (whether they are federal government employees or members of the general public) have access to, and use of information and data, comparable to that provided to individuals without disabilities, unless an undue burden would be imposed on the Department.

Any individual using assistive technology (such as a screen reader, Braille reader, etc.) who experiences difficulty accessing information on any DOL Web site, should send an e-mail message to the DOL Webmaster.  The e-mail should include the nature of the accessibility problem and the individual’s e-mail address for a response. If the accessibility problem involves a particular Web page, the message should include the URL (Web address) of the page. A staff member from the responsible agency will contact individuals having problems with accessibility within three business days to assist them and to provide them the information being sought.

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