The Early Responders Distance Learning Center (ERDLC) of Saint Joseph's University was founded with the mission of providing state of the art and accredited training for emergency responders to WMD/terrorist incidents.

ERDLC sees its mission as being passionately committed to using its diverse talents and resources in creating state of the art distance learning content and delivery embedded in psychological science to aid and strengthen our nation's emergency response community.

Saint Joseph's University

PA Pandemic Summit Materials Now Available 2006.03.27
Assisting Pennsylvania's Biggest Industry 2006.03.14
ERDLC Keynotes at the Safe Schools Summit 2006.03.14
Defending the Nation's Food Supply 2006.03.13
Assisting the Department of Homeland Security 2006.03.10
Bush lashes Syria, Iran as terrorism sponsors (AFP via Yahoo

Bush Presses U.N. to Prevent Tyranny, Terrorism (Fox News)

US: Bush pledges support for Zardari in fight against terror

Retrial begins in Muslim charity terrorism case (AP via Yaho

Terrorism (Euronews)

  Which of the following would be identified as part of a biological incident?
  Radiation   Irritants
  Toxins   Blood agents

Elevated Risk of Terrorist Attacks
© 2000-08 ERDLC & Saint Joseph's University, All Rights Reserved.