FACTS II: The Aspen FACE Experiment
Home Photosynthesis Leaf Response Growth Response Pest Interactions Soil Response Ozone Modeling

Implications of Our Results  
 The following pages illustrate some of the results to date from the FACE experiment.  The following key points should be noted:
FACE provides a window into the future and allows for experimental testing of CO2/O3 interactions under realistic forest conditions.
Our results suggest that moderate levels of O3 will offset elevated CO2 responses projected for the year 2100.
Our results suggest carbon sequestration under elevated CO2 is being overestimated by modellers who do not consider O3 in areas with periodic episodic O3.
Elevated CO2 delays normal autumn leaf senescence, predisposing some aspen genotypes to winter dieback.
Our preliminary results indicate that aspen and birch insects and diseases may increase under elevated CO2 and O3.

View our fenceline data page with data collected from 1998-2004 (in .xls format) here: Fenceline

View our CO2 Summaries for 1998-2007 (in pdf format) here: CO2

View our O3 Summaries for 1998-2007 (in pdf format) here: O3

The Aspen FACE Experiment is funded principally by the Office of Science (BER), U.S. Department of Energy. Additional support is from the USFS Global Change Program, Michigan Technological University, the Canadian Forest Service and the USFS North Central Research Station.
For more information on this project, contact Dr. David F. Karnosky (Michigan Technological University) at (906) 487-2898 or mailto:karnosky@mtu.edu, or Dr. Mark E. Kubiske (North Central Research Station) at (715) 362-1108 or mailto:mkubiske@fs.fed.us.
For questions or suggestions regarding this website, please contact Janet Pikkarainen at mailto:jmpikkar@mtu.edu or David B. Karnosky at mailto:dbkarnos@mtu.edu
Last updated: June, 2008