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Early Detection, Monitoring, and Species Identification

Both detection and monitoring are elements of a successful rapid response protocol. Coordinated detection and monitoring efforts help us know where and when AIS populations become established and how those populations change over time. Both require accurate species identification and information gathering.

CZM has been a leader in coordinating and developing resources for marine invasive species detection and monitoring. Our efforts include training citizen groups to monitor for AIS along the coast. AIS detection and monitoring efforts developed by CZM and our partners include:

  • Reporting - When there is something strange ... who needs to know?
  • Monitoring Partners (MIMIC) - Learn about the network of community groups and citizens watching our coast!

In addition to the information gathered with CZM's assistance, several of our partners conduct regular surveys of plant and animal life in Massachusetts waters. Together, this information constructs a baseline knowledge of biodiversity in the Commonwealth. Additionally, we depend on information sharing with academic researchers, commercial fishermen, recreational fishermen, and community groups. The wide variety of detection and monitoring efforts by citizens, government agencies, and academics across the state and region contributes to successful AIS management.


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