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A - Z index of Programs and Services

Regulatory Services

Bureau of Farm Products

Division of Regulatory Services

Bureau of Farm Products & Plant Industries

The Bureau of Farm Products and Plant Industries administers a diversified quality-control program for farm products, including the Federal-State Fruit and Vegetable Quality Program. All nurseries and greenhouses are inspected and certified annually for control of insects and diseases. Agents licenses are issued to retail outlets who just sell nursery stock. Apiary inspection is done annually on thousands of bee hives to control mites and diseases.

The Bureau enforces Truth-In-Labeling laws on apples, potatoes, seed, feed, pet food, fertilizer, limestone and certifies Controlled Atmosphere rooms for compliance.

The Bureau collects more than $400,000 in nursery fees, registration fees of feed, pet food, fertilizer and lime products. In addition, the Bureau publishes a weekly Apple Report listing market prices and storage holdings which has proven to be helpful to the apple industry.

Our field staff is trained and licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which allows them to issue federal certificates attesting to the quality, condition and grade of Massachusetts produce, plants and plant products for shipment.

The Bureau, through strict adherence to laws, grades, label reviews and other essential data, has done much to up-grade the quality and condition of farm products offered for sale in Massachusetts. These programs reflect general crop conditions and market situations. The uniform laws and grades allow for products in interstate and export commerce. Working with other states , the U.S.D.A., F.D.A., APHIS and various regulated industries, the Bureau of Farm Products and Plant Industries of the Department of Agricultural Resources have helped foster the marketing of high-quality products for the consumer.

apple on tree 

News and Features

Massachusetts Prohibited Plants NEW (12/16/05)

Disease Alert for Feed Stores Selling Poultry (6/19/2003)

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