Main categories

Conservation partners

USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service External Web site icon.

Natural resource planning

Tools to help communities and regions make land use decisions that reflect natural resource values.

Whether your passion is hunting and fishing, hiking through the woods, canoeing, or just watching birds at a backyard feeder, it's important to remember that you have a role in maintaining the natural infrastructure that supports all such activities.

Taking care of Minnesota's natural resources, which face increasing pressures and demands from a growing population, is a task that requires everyone to lend a hand at whatever level they can. The DNR and other organizations offer a growing number of tools and programs to help you get involved in natural resource stewardship and conservation.

Community tools

Community tools

For local units of government
Making land use decisions at a local level to reflect natural resource values.  

Big picture tools

Big picture tools

For regional efforts
Linking work across legal boundaries to create interconnected, diverse natural areas.