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Filed under: Detroit Auto Show, Hybrids/Alternative, Green, Lexus

Lexus hints at HS 250h dedicated hybrid for Detroit show

Toyota President Katsuaki Watanabe informed us at least year's Detroit Auto Show that his company would be bringing two new hybrids to this year's show in D-town. The first is the much anticipated next-gen Prius and the second is the first dedicated hybrid model for Lexus. This week the Japanese luxury automaker made it official with a page on its consumer website heralding the debut of the Lexus HS 250h on January 11, smack dab in the middle of press days for the 2009 Detroit Auto Show.

Not much else is known about the vehicle, other than that it will be available to buy in the Fall of 2009. We suspect the HS 250h will be a Lexus-badged version of the Prius in much the same way that the ES350 is a version of the Toyota Camry. Thus, the HS 250h will also use the same next-gen Hybrid Synergy drivetrain that will debut in the new Prius, both sporting nickel-metal hydride battery packs for the time being until development work on advanced lithium-ion packs is completed. Stay tuned for more info on these two hybrid models from Toyota and Lexus as the 2009 Detroit Auto Show draws ever closer. Thanks for the tip, DJ Pearce!

[Source: Lexus]

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