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Prius sub-brand officially DOA

Filed under: Hybrid, Toyota, Detroit Auto Show

Rumors of a separate brand to carry only hybrids has apparently been ruled out by Toyota. The brand and its dealerships would have carried the Prius logo that has become so synonymous with hybrid cars since Toyota introduced the world to the car in 1997. Previous rumors had indicated that Toyota would launch the Prius brand much as it had the Scion moniker a few years ago.

Despite the end of Prius-brand discussions, the automaker still has big plans for its line of hybrid vehicles. Autocar reports that a wagon, small MPV (like a minivan, but without sliding doors) and a coupe are all likely additions to the current 5-door hatchback that we all know and love.

Also off the table, at least according to Miguel Fonseca, Toyota managing director in the UK, are lithium ion batteries. Fonseca mimics what we've been hearing from the automaker for the last few years, that lithium ion units aren't quite ready for mass production. Whatever the case, the third-gen Prius is still on target to debut in January at the Detroit Auto Show and is expected to be both larger and more efficient than the outgoing model.

[Source: AutoCar]

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