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Toyota's new iQ super-mini named to Good Design best 15 for 2008

Filed under: Toyota, Japan

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Toyota's "more intelligent" answer to the Smart ForTwo, the iQ, has notched a spot on the best 15 list for the Good Design Award in Japan. The awards were originally devised by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in Japan and are now given by the Japan Industrial Design Promotion Organization. The award is intended to recognize the best in industrial design. The iQ will be launching into production soon and has some very innovative packaging allowing 3+1 occupants to fit in the tiny car. The Good Design Grand Award will be presented on November 6 and the iQ is in the running.

[Source: Toyota]

Toyota 'iQ' in Good Design Award 2008 Best 15
―Soon-to-be-released Ultra Compact in Running for Grand Award―

Tokyo - TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (TMC) announces that its new "iQ" ultra
compact-a vehicle that dispels conventional notions about small cars-has made the
Good Design Award 2008 Best 15* list and is in the running for this year's Good
Design Grand Award*, to be announced on November 6.

Additionally, the Lexus "IS F" and the Toyota Partner Robot "MOBIRO" mobility robot
and "Winglet" personal transport assistance robot have each won a Good Design
Award, while the "Crown Comfort" has received a Good Design Long Life Design

Good Design Award Best 15
Each year, the most-outstanding designs among the entries for the Good Design
Award (see below) are named to a top-15 list. From among those, seven become
candidates for the Good Design Grand Award. This year's seven include the iQ,
which is scheduled to be launched in Japan this month.

Good Design Award
This award recognizes products or corporate activities that feature outstanding
designs, as judged by a panel of experts. This year's winners include TMC's Lexus
IS F, launched in October 2007; Toyota Partner Robot MOBIRO, unveiled in December
2007; and Toyota Partner Robot Winglet, unveiled in August 2008.

Good Design Long Life Design Award
This award recognizes exceptionally notable products that have been produced and
sold for 10 or more consecutive years, while meeting other conditions such as
retaining their original concept. Among this year's winners is the Crown Comfort,
launched in December 1995.

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