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FMI Retailer/Wholesaler Membership

Open to all food retailers and grocery wholesalers.

The food marketing industry grows more complex every day — and so do the challenges facing it. The Food Marketing Institute (FMI) is the leading trade association representing food retail and wholesale industries. FMI is committed to providing the resources and services that members require to achieve their strategic goals, improve operations and expand markets. The organization offers a variety of membership including benefits and resources available only through FMI.

  • List of Retailer/Wholesaler Members
  • Government and Public Affairs - Credible, effective representation for the entire industry on issues that affect retailers and wholesalers of every size.

  • Food Safety - Comprehensive resources in total food safety training, risk assessment and related topics, including a wide variety of online training, print material, videos, and timesaving links to regulatory sites.

  • 24/7 Crisis Hotline - Experts in crisis management, on call to mobilize FMI resources on your behalf.

  • Trade Relations - A forum in which key players in the industry, including retailers, suppliers and government agencies, can address shared business issues and opportunities.

  • Electronic Share Groups - An easy-to-use system for networking with other member companies, saving time and money.

  • Information Service/Library - Access to the industry's most comprehensive consumer and operations research services, the world's largest collection of industry resources and a variety of print and electronic resources. 24-hour response, guaranteed.

  • Member Mailing - Bi-weekly correspondence including timely information about industry issues, FMI programs and services.

  • Members-Only Web Resource - Password-protected access to our vast offering of information and services.

  • Educational Events - FMI trade shows and training seminars, including the FMI Show and MARKETECHNICS®, with hundreds of exhibits, workshops, networking activities and customized tours and programs.

  • Loss Prevention - A range of ready-to-use initiatives and materials, including customer and employee safety, OSHA compliance, disaster and damage control, security, employee theft, shoplifting, robberies and burglaries, crisis management, product tampering, risk management and insurance.

  • Emerging Technologies - Web-based resources about emerging technologies, as well as opportunities to help develop technology standards on such topics as Electronic Product Code, Check Truncation, Electronic Payment Systems and more.

FMI Mission Statement:

As the representative of one of the largest single business categories in the world, the Food Marketing Institute will:

  • Provide its Retailer and Wholesaler members with a forum to work effectively with government, suppliers, employees, customers and their communities.
  • Promote the principles of Free Enterprise to ensure a vigorous, competitive, economically healthy food industry.
  • Program its efforts and energies in five primary areas: 1) Research; 2) Education; 3) Public Information; 4) Government Relations; and 5) Industry Relations.

By pursuing these activities, the Food Marketing Institute provides leadership and support for the role of the grocery retailer and wholesaler as purchasing agent for our consumers.

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