Herb World News Online

Herb Research Foundation

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 Top Herb News

No colchicine in ginkgo:
Independent testing refutes results of flawed research
FDA Warnings to Food Companies Based on Misinterpretation
of Food Additive Law
Black cohosh study demonstrates no benefits for breast cancer survivors
Harvard Medical School to create institute for nontraditional medicine
ConsumerLabs claims 44 percent of echinacea products failed testing
Four-year ginkgo study planned
Aristolochic acid: Cause for concern?
FDA backs down on disease definition
Saw palmetto shrinks enlarged prostate tissue.
World News
Europe revokes U.S. patent on Indian neem tree
St. John's wort banned in France
Canada rejects olestra
Sustainable herb development in Albania
McCaleb and Simon present A-SNAPP progress at National Summit on Africa
HRF Granted Three Year International Development Project
Chinese researchers collaborate with International Traditional Chinese Medicine Center
Survey of Canadians shows broad acceptance of herbal supplements and teas.
New Market Research and Development in Africa
African Natural Products Network Roundtable
Peru restricts export of wildcrafted cat’s claw
Japan moves to regulate supplements as foods
Canada forms new federal natural products organization
South Africa sustainable herb cultivation project now underway
Political News
Supplement marketers win First Amendment rights in FDA court battle
USDA proposes strict national standards for organic food
UN begins four-year study on genetically modified (GM) foods
FDA proposes that all pregnancy-related conditions be treated as disease claims
California bill would mandate warning on ephedra products
USDA approves soy as meat substitute in schools
House OKs DEA control of gamma butyrolactone (GBL)
Industry News
Dietary supplements may be treated as medical expenses
Texas is first state to require new ephedrine labeling
FDA rules that product labels may carry choline nutrient claim

New legislation could shape functional foods market

Hain buys Celestial Seasonings
Clinical study on feverfew supplement announced by Kaiser-Permanente
Johnson & Johnson launches new glucosamine supplement
Novartis and Quaker form functional food company
Nestle USA launches probiotic supplement LC1
SupplementWatch website billed as the "consumer reports of dietary supplements."
CVS becomes first pharmacy to implement program about potential herb-drug interactions.
 Press Releases
Herb Research Foundation Gives Herbs Scientific Credibility to Counter Media Distortions
HRF International Symposium Planned for Expo West 2002
Menopause Society approves Herb Research Foundation website
FDA Warnings to Food Companies Based on Misinterpretation of Food Additive Law
Review of Ephedra Adverse Events Scheduled for Publication
Negative Ginkgo Study Does Not Negate Strong Body of Positive Evidence
New Study Challenges Assumptions about St. John's Wort Drug Interactions
FDA Backs Down on Proposed Disease Definition
Echinacea Study Design Inconsistent with Recommended Use
Regulation of Dietary Supplements Misrepresented by New England Journal of Medicine
Research Reviews

More Research Support for Those Who Use and Recommend Herbs for Prostate Health
Valerian/Lemon Balm Combination Well-Tolerated in Clinical Study
Antioxidant Activity of Tea Unaffected by Milk
Three Concentrations of St. John's Wort Effective Against Depression
Safety of St. John's Wort versus Antidepressant Drugs
St. John's Wort Equivalent to World's Best-selling Antidepressant
St. John's Wort Relieves Menopause Symptoms
Kava Extract Relieves Anxiety: Meta-Analysis
Herbal Combination Improves Quality of Life for Prostate Cancer Patients
Systematic Review of Ginger Trials Yields "Promising" Outcome
Vitex Improves Symptoms of PMS
Willow Bark Extract Reduces Low Back Pain
St. John's Wort: Future Treatment for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?
Ginkgo Meta-analysis Confirms Efficacy in Peripheral Arterial Disease
First Study on Safety of Echinacea During Pregnancy
Review Questions Ginseng's Role in Exercise
Red Ginseng Shows Mild Blood Pressure-Lowering Effect
Researchers Claim Ginseng Lacks "Compelling Evidence"
First clinical study on purple grape juice
Researchers complete ginkgo review
Coffee lowers risk of gallstone disease for men in major study
Compound sleep preparation shows promise in clinical trial
Chocolate: the latest health food?
Black tea may protect heart health
Tibetan formula effective in peripheral artery disease
Echinacea for athletes
Red clover improves heart health after menopause
St. John’s wort for unexplained fatigue
Saw palmetto shrinks prostate tissues
Standardized garlic powder reduces heart attack risk
Hypericin and AIDS
Ginkgo protects against altitude sickness
Ginkgo effective in intermittent claudication
Efficacy of St. John’s wort extract standardized to hyperforin
Cannabis for migraine
Possible shortcomings of fertility study
Phytotherapy aids in benzodiazepine withdrawal
 HRF News Features
JAMA bashes herbs for surgical patients
HRF welcomes new Director of Sustainable Development
HRF International Symposium Planned for Expo West 2002
Menopause Society approves Herb Research Foundation website
Look for the new HRF section in Herbs for Health magazine!
No St. John's wort herb/drug interactions in latest research
St. John's Wort Ineffective? A Different Perspective on the Latest Controversy
Yellow Creek Botanical Institute looks to a sustainable future
HRF co-sponsors Purdue International Training Program
New HRF library and research services
HRF celebrates 15 years of educating the world about herbs.
New lower Hotline cost!
HRF members can now choose either (or both of the world's best herb magazines



 Science News

Oolong tea helps in the treatment of stubborn atopic dermatitis
Rhodiola enhances fitness and well-being under stressful conditions
Compound in Panax pseudoginseng demonstrates antioxidant activity
Harvard warns of high calcium-prostate cancer link
Anti-inflammatory activity of Padma 28
Three studies show dietary supplements improve health of seniors
Maca stimulates sexual function in male mice
Gotu kola: Positive review of the scientific evidence
Ginseng has no effect on mood in healthy young adults
Ginseng helps speed recovery from acute attacks of chronic bronchitis
Eleuthero improves lipid metabolism, physical fitness, and immune function
Elderberry formula activates healthy immune system
Urinary tract cancers related to use of adulterated Chinese formula
Propolis heals herpes lesions faster than acyclovir
Passionflower study demonstrates anti-anxiety effect of chrysin

Estrogenic compounds in parsley isolated

Nettle sting effective for treatment of osteoarthritis pain
Study questions use of mistletoe as adjuvant treatment for head and neck cancer
New study refutes speculation that ginkgo inhibits MAO in human brain
Meta-analysis supports protective effects of garlic against stomach and colon cancers
Echinacea combination formula effective against common cold
Andrographis herb combination effective against cold and flu
American ginseng/drug combination inhibits growth of breast cancer cells
Rhodiola reported to reduce stress-related fatigue
Pycnogenol® helps in chronic venous insufficiency
Pomegranate juice confers cardiovascular health benefits
American ginseng improves glucose tolerance in diabetics and nondiabetics
Large study concludes ginkgo is ineffective in tinnitus
Ginkgo: Greater improvement in peripheral arterial disease with higher dose
Devil's claw as effective as drug in relieving osteoarthritis pain
Echinacea tea blend shortens duration of cold symptoms
No interaction between St. John's wort and epilepsy drug
Red wine compound shows promise as a treatment for herpes
Ten-year review of herbal psychiatric treatments
Ginkgo biloba relieves sexual dysfunction caused by antidepressants
Ginkgo biloba-Review of research on ginkgo as a treatment for tinnitus
Boswellia serrata Potential as a new treatment for asthma

Black currant seed oil (Ribes nigrum) First clinical study of y-linolenic acid's effect on human immune function

Specific evidence for the role of silibinin in prostate cancer treatment
Evidence for kavain binding sites in the brain
Pentacyclic alkaloids in cat’s claw help boost lymphocyte levels
Another possible mechanism of action for St. John’s wort’s antidepressant activity
Extra-virgin is the oil of choice to protect against LDL oxidation
Isoflavones may not be responsible for soy’s anticancer effect
Beta-carotene shown to reduce LDL oxidation
Effects of ginkgo/ginseng combination studied in healthy middle-aged adults
JAMA meta-analysis finds glucosamine & chondroitin useful for arthritis
Ginkgo compounds and the war on cellulite
Herbal combination therapy packs a potential one-two punch against oral cancer
More evidence for the cardioprotective properties of red wine
Can herbal supplements diminish endothelial damage induced by HIV infection?
Bone density and soy isoflavones
DHA and AA improve mental development in infants
Aloe gel enhances wound healing in diabetic rats
RDA for vitamin C should be doubled
Formula containing bilberry and lutein increases lutein levels in blood and eye tissue
Proprietary quercetin formula helps chronic prostatitis
Saw Palmetto Shrinks Enlarged Prostate Tissue
Ginkgo biflavone shows promise as an anti-arthritic agent
Skin effects of Echinacea pallida
 Top News 
 Research Reviews 

© 2000 by Herb Research Foundation, Boulder, CO, USA.
