Kentucky State University

Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) of Kentucky State University, which is the student governing body, offers the students a voice in the affairs of the campus community. Also the SGA serve as the lower authority in conjunction with the President’s Cabinet of the Institution as the higher authority. The officers and other members manage many student-only projects, and one member serves as a voting member of the University’s Board of Regents. This organization plays a part in scheduling or sponsoring concerts, dances, and speakers, and other activities that make up the social and cultural life of Kentucky State University students. Whether planning entertainment, presenting the student point of view to the University administration, or encouraging academic excellence among the student body, participants in student government help shape their community.

2008-2009 Student Government Officers

Jeremy Lane - President/ Student Regent

Michael Fuller - First Vice President

Charles Jackson - Second Vice President

Kendra Robinson - Secretary

Sean Nichlos - Treasurer

Michelle Gregory - Chief of Justice

Jahshae Stewart - Chief of Staff

Lindsey Creech - Miss Kentucky State University

Shana Darden - 1st Attendant

D’Juan Barnes - Mr. Kentucky State University

Jamar Moton - 1st Attendant

Anwan Heath - 2nd Attendant