Kentucky State University

Career Counseling & Placement

It is the general aim of the Career Counseling and Placement Service to provide our students with the resources necessary for successful entry into the working world.

The Office of Career Counseling and Placement assists students in finding employment in business, industry, government, and education; and in seeking entry to graduate or professional schools and military careers.

Career Counseling and Placement Services:

Career Counseling
Individual counseling sessions may be arranged to help students and alumni clarify career interests, values and work-related skills; explore potential careers and employers; and refine job seeking, interviewing, and resume preparation skills.

Mock Interviews
This allows students to experience a simulation of a real interview. They receive feedback and guidance regarding effective interviewing skills.

Resume Critique
Our staff ensures students' resumes represent their education and experience in an attractive, professional manner.

On-campus Recruiting/Interviewing
Employers interview students of all majors for internships and full time, career level positions on campus every fall and spring semesters.

Cooperative Education
Cooperative Education is a program which combines work experience with academic study.This program helps students prepare for their future careers by placing them in jobs that match their academic discipline.

Alumni Network
Alumni Network is a career networking program designed to help KSU students and alumni connect with alumni who can help them advance their careers.

This a job posting management system administered by Monster tailors the listings specifically for Kentucky State University Students.

Sigi 3
System of Interactive Guidance and Information is a career guidance system on the computer used to help students examine their career values, interests, and skills systematically to find possible career matches.

The office coordinates several career related seminars and workshops per year on topics including, resume writing, interview techniques, etiquette, internships, job search strategies, and many more.

Job Fairs
The office of Career Counseling and Placement has semi-annual career fairs in both spring and fall semesters.In the past, our Job/Career fairs have attracted over 400 students from Kentucky State University as well as surrounding colleges and universities.

Internships provide meaningful work experience related to your academic studies.They allow you to experience and evaluate a potential career while you are still in school. Contact for Internship information.