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Search for information on the Research pages

This form will search for information on the Research-related pages of EUROPA only, i.e. the main Research site itself (i.e. this one), the research pages of the Information Society DG's site, the Space web site, the Research DG's site and the site of the Research Commissioner, Janez Potočnik

You can also extend your search to the entire EUROPA server.

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NB: if your search text includes a special character (such as '&' or '-') do not surround it with spaces. For example "earth & space week" will yield no results but "earth&space week will find the relevant pages

1. Search full texts:Type one or more words, using a comma for the OR operator and a space for the AND operator. You can also use Verity Query Language.
2. Type of search:Define the type of search you prefer:
  • "Containing all words" will find the documents which contain all of the words you typed in,
  • "Containing any of the words" will find the documents which contain at least one of the words you typed in,
  • and "Containing the exact phrase" will find the documents which contain the exact phrase you typed in.
3. Excluding the word(s):Type in the word(s) you wish to exclude from your search, separated by commas.
4. Search titles:Search within titles.
5. Search descriptions:Search within descriptions. The description is part of a page's metadata.
6. Search keywords:Search within keywords. The keywords are part of a page's metadata.
7. Area of activity:Select an area of activity or use your keyboard's CTRL key to select more than one.
9. Language:Select a language or use your keyboard's CTRL key to select more than one.
10. File Format:Select the format of the document you want to find.
11. Number of results:Choose the number of results you wish to view.

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