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Energy Analysis and Tools

Integrated system analyses, technoeconomic analyses, life cycle assessments (LCAs), and other analysis tools are essential to our research and development efforts. They provide an understanding of the economic, technical, and even global impacts of renewable technologies. These analyses also provide direction, focus, and support to the development and commercialization of various biomass conversion technologies. The economic feasibility and environmental benefits of biomass technologies revealed by these analyses are useful for the government, regulators, and the private sector. NREL's Energy Analysis Office integrates and supports the energy analysis functions located in many of the laboratory's research programs and technology centers.

Technoeconomic Analysis

Life Cycle Assessment


Technoeconomic Analysis

Technoeconomic analyses (TEAs) are performed to determine the potential economic viability of a research process. Evaluating the costs of a given process compared to the current technology can assess the economic feasibility of a project. These analyses can be useful in determining which emerging technologies have the highest potential for near-, mid-, and long-term success. The results of a TEA are also useful in directing research toward areas in which improvements will result in the greatest cost reductions. As the economics of a process are evaluated throughout the life of the project, advancement toward the final goal of commercialization can be measured. TEAs performed in previous years have determined the technical and economic feasibility of various biomass-based systems, including:

  • Fermentation
  • Hydrolysis
  • Direct combustion
  • Pyrolysis
  • Gasification combined cycle power systems

NREL's analysis capabilities include proficiency with the following software packages:


Models continuous processes to obtain material and energy balances


Performs detailed steady-state and off-design analyses of thermal power systems


Performs detailed process plant cost estimates

MATLAB® and MathCAD®

Perform numeric calculations and mathematical solutions

Crystal Ball®

Operates within Microsoft Excel® and incorporates uncertainties in forecasting analysis results

Representative publications from this work are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs (Download Acrobat Reader) including:

  • Cost and Performance Analysis of Biomass-Based Integrated Gasification Combined-Cycle (BIGCC) Power Systems, K. Craig and M. K. Mann (1996) (PDF 4.16 MB)
  • Renewable Energy Technology Characterizations for Biomass (1997)
  • Lignocellulosic Biomass to Ethanol Process Design and Economics Utilizing Co-Current Dilute Acid Prehydrolysis and Enzymatic Hydrolysis For Corn Stover, A. Aden, M. Ruth, K. Ibsen, J. Jechura, K. Neeves, J. Sheehan, B. Wallace, L. Montague, A. Slayton, and J. Lukas (2002) (PDF 4.93 MB)
  • Determining the Cost of Producing Ethanol From Corn Starch and Lignocellulosic Feedstocks, A. McAloon, F. Taylor, W. Yee, K. Ibsen, R. Wooley (PDF 525 KB)

Additional TEA publications can be found in the NREL Analysis Documents Database.

Life Cycle Assessment

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is an analytic method for identifying, evaluating, and minimizing the environmental impacts of emissions and resource depletion associated with a specific process. When such an assessment is performed in conjunction with a technoeconomic feasibility study, the total economic and environmental benefits and drawbacks of a process can be quantified. Material and energy balances are used to quantify the emissions, resource depletion, and energy consumption of all processes, including raw material extraction, processing, and final disposal of products and by-products, required to make the process of interest operate. The results of this inventory are then used to evaluate the environmental impacts of the process so efforts can focus on mitigation. LCA studies have been conducted on the following systems:

Power generation technologies:

  • Biomass-fired integrated gasification combined-cycle system using a biomass energy crop
  • Pulverized coal boiler representing an average U.S. coal-fired power plant
  • Cofiring biomass residue with coal
  • Natural gas combined-cycle power plant
  • Direct-fired biomass power plant using biomass residue
  • Anaerobic digestion of animal waste

Biofuels Production Technologies:

  • Ethanol from corn stover
  • Comparison of biodiesel and petroleum diesel used in an urban bus

Hydrogen production technologies:

  • Natural gas-hydrogen production
  • Wind/electrolysis

For these analyses, the software package used to track the material and energy flows between the process blocks in each system was Tools for Environmental Analysis and Management (TEAM®).

These LCA reports are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Acrobat Reader. Additional reports can be obtained through the NREL Analysis Documents Database.

  • Life-Cycle Analysis of Ethanol from Corn Stover, J. Sheehan (2002) (PDF 596 KB)
  • Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen Production via Natural Gas Steam Reforming, P. L. Spath, P. L. and M. K. Mann, (2001) (PDF 634 KB)
  • Life Cycle Inventory of Biodiesel and Petroleum Diesel for Use in an Urban Bus: Final Report, J. Sheehan, V. Camobreco, J. Duffield, M. Graboski, and H. Shapouri (1998) (PDF 1.51 MB)
  • Life Cycle Assessment of a Biomass Gasification Combined-Cycle System, M. K. Mann and P. L. Spath, (1997) (PDF 10.55 MB)


The following tools and databases are available as resources for biomass researchers.

Standard Biomass Analytical Procedures
These NREL and analogous ASTM laboratory procedures provide tested and accepted methods for performing analyses commonly used in biofuels research.

Biomass Feedstock Composition and Properties Database
The Biomass Program has analyzed more than 150 (as of 10/01) samples of potential biofuels feedstocks including corn stover, wheat straw, bagasse, switchgrass and other grasses, and poplars and other fast-growing trees.

Thermodynamic Data for Biomass Conversion and Waste Incineration (PDF 10.88 MB)
This National Bureau of Standards/NREL report provides heat of combustion and other useful data for biopower and biofuels research on a wide range of biomass and nonbiomass materials.

Theoretical Ethanol Yield Calculator
This tool allows you to calculate the theoretical ethanol yield of a particular biomass feedstock, based on its sugar content.

Glossary of Biomass Terms
The glossary contains commonly used biomass terms and their definitions.

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