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Workshop on Algal Oil for Jet Fuel Production

In February 2008, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) held a joint workshop that brought together a panel of outside experts in the microalgae field to discuss a variety of basic science research issues related to microalgal oil production.

The following documents are available as Adobe Acrobat PDFs. Download Adobe Reader.



  • Overview: Algae Oil to Biofuels (PDF 4.2 MB), John R. Benemann, Benemann Associates

  • Aquatic Species Program (ASP): Lessons Learned (PDF 1.7 MB), Eric E. Jarvis, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

  • Bioprospecting for Microalgae (PDF 813 KB), Dr. J. Polle, Department of Biology, Brooklyn College of CUNY

  • The Role of Culture Collections (PDF 373 KB), Jerry Brand, UTEX

  • Sequencing Algal Genomes (PDF 1 MB), Ginger Armbrust, School of Oceanography, University of Washington

  • Algal Model Systems (PDF 1.5 MB),Stephen Mayfield, Department of Cell Biology and The Skaggs Institute for Chemical Biology, The Scripps Research Institute

  • Algal Physiology; a catch all (PDF 666 KB), Richard Sayre, Hangsik Shayani, Pieris Moon, Zoee Gohkale, Jessica Winburn, Dept. of Plant Cellular & Molecular Biology, Ohio State University

  • Metabolic Pathways Involved in Storage Lipid Accumulation (PDF 681 KB), Wayne Riekhof National Jewish Medical and Research Center, Denver, CO

  • Large Scale Open Algae Ponds (PDF 6.3 MB) Ami Ben-Amotz, The National Institute of Oceanography, Nature Beta Technologies Ltd., Nikken Sohonsha Co, Japan, Seambiotic Ltd., Israel

  • Wind, Sea, & Algae (thought experiment) (PDF 1.6 MB), Jonathan Trent, NASA Ames Research Center

  • Strategic Road to Commercialization: Food and Fuel from Algae (PDF 1.4 MB), Jim Sears, A2BE Carbon Capture LLC

  • Production of Algae in Conjunction with Wastewater Treatment, (PDF 648 KB) Tryg J. Lundquist, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo

  • Photobioreactors: Design Considerations for Sustainable High-Yield Algal Oil Production (PDF 2.1 MB), Qiang Hu & Milton Sommerfeld, Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Arizona State University Polytechnic Campus

  • Power Plant Emissions to Biofuels (PDF 1.4 MB), Sally (Xiaolei) Sun and Raymond Hobbs, Arizona Public Service

  • Development of Algal Genetic Tools (PDF 1.5 MB), Mark Hildebrand, Marine Biology Research Division, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego

  • Algal Photosynthesis (PDF 537 KB), G.C. Dismukes, Princeton University Dept of Chemistry & Princeton Environmental Institute

  • Technoeconomic Analysis of Algal Photobioreactors for Oil Production (PDF 908 KB), Pete Zemke, Byard Wood, Dan Dye, Sustainable Energy Research Center, Utah State University

  • Bloomin' Government! Environmental Laws and Regulations That May Impact Algae Production (PDF 308 KB), Rachel G. Lattimore, Esq., Arent Fox PLLC

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