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  1. Academic Affairs, Office Of - Office of Academic Affairs.
  2. Academic Calendar
  3. Academic Departments - An A-Z listing of colleges and schools within the University.
  4. Academic Information - View your grades, add/drop classes, waitlist, trancripts,and more.
  5. Accounts Payable
  6. ADA Coordinator's Office
  7. Admissions (Freshman and First Year Experience), Office Of
  8. Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design (ACCAD)
  9. Advising and Academic Services, Colleges of the Arts and Sciences
  10. Africa Network
  11. African American and African Studies
  12. African American and African Studies Community Extension Center - The Community Extension Center of African American and African Studies.
  13. African American Student Services - The African American Student Services section of the OSU Multicultural Center.
  14. Agricultural Sciences, see College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
  15. Agricultural Technical Institute
  16. Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics, Department of
  17. Air Force ROTC at OSU
  18. Allied Medical Professions, School of -
      Follow this link (School of Allied Medical Professions) to information on Circulation Technology, Health Information Management and Systems, Medical Dietetics, Medical Technology, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Radiologic Technology, and Respiratory Therapy.
  19. Alpha Eta Rho, International Aviation Professional Fraternity
  20. Alumni Association, Inc., The OSU
  21. American Indian Student Services - The American Indian Student Services section of the OSU Multicultural Center.
  22. American Indian Studies, Office of Interdisciplinary Programs
  23. American Sign Language Program
  24. Anesthesiology, Department of
  25. Animal Sciences, Department of
  26. Anthropology, Department of
  27. Archives, The OSU
  28. Army ROTC at OSU
  29. Art Education, Department of
  30. Art History, see Department of History of Art
  31. Art, Department of
  32. Arts and Sciences, Colleges of the
  33. Arts Policy and Administration Program
  34. Arts, College of the - Follow this link (College of the Arts ) to find Web pages for departments and centers in the College including: Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies in Art and Design, Department of Art, Department of Art Education, Department of Dance, Department of History of Art, Department of Industrial, Interior and Visual Communication Design, Department of Theatre, School of Music, The Ohio State University Marching Band, Hopkins Hall Gallery and the Martin Luther King, Jr. Institute for the Arts.
  35. Arts, Wexner Center for the
  36. Asian American Student Services - The Asian American Student Services section of the OSU Multicultural Center.
  37. Asian American Studies, Office of Interdisciplinary Programs
  38. Astronomy, Department of
  39. ATECH - The Food and Agricultural Technology Commercialization and Economic Development Program
  40. Athletic Training Division - Part of the School of Allied Medical Professions.
  41. Athletics
  42. Aviation

  43. Top of Page


  1. Biochemistry Program
  2. Biochemistry, Department of - Department of Biochemistry, College of Biological Sciences
  3. Biological Sciences, College of -
      Follow the College of Biological Sciences link to departments and programs in the College including: Department of Biochemistry, Department of Entomology, Department of Microbiology, Department of Molecular Genetics, Department of Plant Biology, Department of Zoology, the undergraduate Biology major, the Plant Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Program, and Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Environmental Sciences, and Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology.
  4. Biomedical Engineering, Department of
  5. Biomedical Mass-Spectromety Laboratory
  6. Biomedical Media Group
  7. Biophysics Program - Biophysics Graduate Program
  8. Biostatistics Program
  9. Biostatistics, Center for
  10. Blackwell Inn Link and Conference Center
  11. Board of Trustees
  12. Bookstores, The Ohio State University
  13. Bridge Program
  14. Buckeye Link - Buckeye Link is your one-stop destination for essential Ohio State resources and services. Visit Buckeye Link to take care of academic business all at one location, without waiting in line or leaving your computer.
  15. BuckID - The OSU ID Card
  16. Building Address Directory
  17. Bursar, Office of the University
  18. Bus Service, Campus Area (CABS)
  19. Business and Finance -
      Follow this link (Business and Finance) to find Web pages for Business Operations, Finance, Internal Audit and Facilities Operations and Development.
  20. Business Operations
  21. Business, Fisher College Of

  22. Top of Page


  1. Calendar of OSU Events
  2. Campaign, see "Affirm thy Friendship" Campaign
  3. Campus Area Bus Service
  4. Campus Chemical Instrument Center
  5. Campus Dining Services
  6. Campus Housing, see Housing and Residence Life
  7. Campus Map
  8. Campus Partners
  9. Cancer Hospital, The James
  10. Career Services, College of Business
  11. Career Services, College of Engineering
  12. Career Services, College of the Arts and Sciences
  13. Center for Historical Research
  14. Center for the Study and Teaching of Writing
  15. Center for the Study of Religion
  16. Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Department of
  17. Chemical Physics Program, The
  18. Chemistry, Department of
  19. Child Care Center
  20. Circulation Technology - A section of the Allied Medical Professions site.
  21. City and Regional Planning, Department of
  22. Civil and Environmental Engineering and Geodetic Science, Department of
  23. Cognitive Science, Center for
  24. Collaborative Research and Public Humanities, Institute for
  25. Columbus Area Visitor Information
  26. Commencement Information
  27. Communication, School Of
  28. Community Connection
  29. Comparative Studies, Department of
  30. Comprehensive Cancer Center
  31. Computer Science and Engineering, Department of
  32. Computing Services
  33. Conference Center, Blackwell Inn and
  34. Conference Center, Fawcett Hotel and
  35. Continuing Education
  36. Controller, Office of the
  37. Cooke Castle on Gibraltar Island
  38. Corner Store
  39. Cost-per-Copy Program
  40. Council of Graduate Students

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  1. Dance, Department Of
  2. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
  3. Dentistry, College of
  4. Digital Union
  5. Directories and Search
  6. Disability Services, Office for
  7. Disability Studies
  8. Distance Education (TELR)
  9. Diversity Services Office, Colleges of the Arts and Sciences
  10. Document Management Services
  11. Dorothy M. Davis Heart Lung Research Institute

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  1. Earth Sciences, School of
  2. East Asian Studies Center
  3. Economics, Department of
  4. Economics, Department of
  5. Education and Human Ecology, College of
  6. Education and Training for Employment, Center on
  7. Eisenhower National Clearinghouse
  8. Electrical and Computer Engineering, Department of
  9. Engineering, College of
  10. English (Department of)
  11. English as a Second Language Programs
  12. Enrollment Management, Office of
  13. Entomology, Department of
  14. Environment and Natural Resources, School of
  15. Environmental Health and Safety
  16. Environmental Policy Initiative
  17. Environmental Science Graduate Program
  18. Ethnic Student Services - OSU Multicultural Center home.
  19. Ethnic Studies, Office of Interdisciplinary Programs
  20. Events Calendar
  21. Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, Department of
  22. Exploration Program - for undecided students
  23. Extension, Ohio State University
  24. External Relations

  25. Top of Page


  1. Facilities Operations and Development (formerly Physical Facilities)
  2. Faculty and Staff Information
  3. Faculty and Staff Newspaper, onCampus
  4. Faculty and TA Development, Office of
  5. Faculty Club, OSU
  6. Faculty Council
  7. Family Medicine, The Department of
  8. Family Research, Center for
  9. Fawcett Center -
  10. Fees, Office of the Bursar
  11. Film Studies
  12. Final Exam Schedules
  13. Financial Aid, Office of Student
  14. Fisher College of Business
  15. Folklore Studies, Center for
  16. Food Science and Technology, Department of
  17. Food, Agricultural, and Biological Engineering, Department of
  18. Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences, College of
  19. Freshman Seminars
  20. Fundraising, see "Affirm Thy Friendship" Campaign

  21. Top of Page


  1. Gallery, Hopkins Hall
  2. Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Student Services - Section of the Multicultural Center.
  3. Geography, Department of
  4. Government Relations
  5. Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Fine Arts
  6. Graduate School
  7. Grants
  8. Greek and Latin, Department of
  9. Greek Life

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  1. Health Center, Wilce Student
  2. Health Services Management and Policy (HSMP)
  3. Heart Lung Research Institute
  4. Higher Education Partnership
  5. Hispanic Organizations, University-wide Council of - The University-wide Council of Hispanic Organizations (UCHO) is the umbrella organization for all the Hispanic organization at The Ohio State University
  6. Hispanic Student Services - A section of the OSU Multicultural Center.
  7. History of Art, Department of
  8. History, Department of
  9. Honors and Scholars Center, University
  10. Honors Program, Colleges of the Arts and Sciences
  11. Hopkins Hall Gallery
  12. Horticulture and Crop Science, Department of
  13. Hotel, Fawcett Center
  14. Hotel, The Blackwell
  15. Housing, Food Services and Event Centers
  16. Housing, Off Campus
  17. Housing, On Campus
  18. Housing, Residence Life
  19. Human Cancer Genetics
  20. Human Resource Research, Center for
  21. Human Resources, Office of -
      Follow the Office of Human Resources link to find Web pages that contain information on topics such as The Ohio State University Personnel Postings, Human Resources Information System, Child Care Center, Classified Civil Service Rules, Health,Vision, and Dental Benefits, and Veterans Affairs.
  22. Humanities, College of -
      Follow the College of Humanities link to find Web pages for all departments and centers in the College including: Black Studies, Classics, Comparative Studies in the Humanities, East Asian Languages and Literatures, English (including Rhetoric and Composition and the Writing Center), Foreign Language Center, French and Italian, Germanic Languages and Literatures, History, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Linguistics, Melton Center for Jewish Studies, Philosophy, Slavic Languages and Literatures, Spanish and Portuguese, Women's Studies, Humanities Administration and Humanities Information Systems.
  23. Huntington Photographic Archive

  24. Top of Page


  1. Identity Guidelines (Visual)
  2. Industrial Sensors and Measurements, Center for
  3. Industrial, Interior, and Visual Communication Design, Department of
  4. Industrial, Welding, and Systems Engineering, Department of
  5. Information Technology, Office of
  6. Institute for Behavioral Medicine Research
  7. Institute on Women, Gender and Public Policy
  8. Institutional Research and Planning
  9. Internal Audit
  10. Internal Medicine, Department of
  11. International Affairs, Office of -
      Follow the Office of International Affairs link to find information about Study Abroad, International Student and Scholar Services, Exchange Programs, International Travel, Grants and Symposia, Cooperation with International Institutions, and Area Studies Centers.
  12. International Studies
  13. Interprofessional Commission of Ohio

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  1. Japanese Studies, Institute for
  2. John Glenn School of Public Affairs, The
  3. Journalism, see Communication, School of

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  1. Key/Card Control Center
  2. Kiplinger Program in Public Affairs Journalism
  3. Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity
  4. Knowlton School of Architecture

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  1. Lake Erie Programs
  2. Landscape Architecture, Department of
  3. Lantern, The
  4. Larkins Hall
  5. Latino/a Studies, Office of Interdisciplinary Programs
  6. Law, Moritz College of
  7. Leadership Center, OSU
  8. Legal Affairs, Office of
  9. Liberal Arts, see Colleges of the Arts and Sciences
  10. Libraries, The Ohio State University
  11. Library, Prior Health Sciences
  12. Lima Campus
  13. Loans - Student Financial Aid Loan Programs
  14. Logo Use (Visual Identity Guidelines)
  15. Lost & Found

  16. Top of Page


  1. MacForum, OSU
  2. Mail Services
  3. Map of Campus
  4. Map of Campus Area Bus Service Routes
  5. Mapping, Center for
  6. Marching Band, The Ohio State University
  7. Marion Campus
  8. Materials Research, Institute for
  9. Materials Science & Engineering, Department of
  10. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, College of -
      Follow the College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences link to the Astronomy Department, Byrd Polar Research Center, Chemistry Department, General College Information, Geology Department, Mathematics Department, Physics Department, and Statistics Department.
  11. Mathematics and Statistics Learning Center
  12. Mathematics, Department of
  13. Mechanical Engineering, Department of
  14. Medical Center
  15. Medical Informatics
  16. Medicine, College of
  17. Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Center for
  18. Mershon Center
  19. Meteorology, see the Atmospheric Sciences Program
  20. Microbiology, Department of
  21. Microscopic and Chemical Analysis Research Center (MARC)
  22. Middle Childhood Education
  23. Middle East Studies Center (MESC)
  24. Minority Affairs, Office of
  25. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Department of
  26. Molecular Cellular Developmental Biology
  27. Molecular Genetics, Department of
  28. Moritz College of Law
  29. Music, School of

  30. Top of Page


  1. National Security Research and Education Programs
  2. Navy ROTC at OSU
  3. Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Department of
  4. Neurology, Department of
  5. Newark Campus
  6. News Releases from the Office of University Communications
  7. Newspaper, Faculty and Staff, see onCampus
  8. Newspaper, Student, see The Lantern
  9. Nisonger Center

  10. Top of Page


  1. Obstetrics and Gynecology, Department of
  2. Off Campus Housing
  3. Off Campus Student Services
  4. Office of Information Technology
  5. Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), The
  6. Ohio Sea Grant College Program
  7. Ohio Supercomputer Center
  8. Ohio Union
  9. Ohioline - Outreach and consumer information from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences
  10. Olentangy River Wetland Research Park
  11. On Campus Housing
  12. On-line Services - Register for courses, change addresses, view grades, course availability, course requests, registration wait list, view your approved class schedule, advising report, and degree audit report.
  13. OnCampus
  14. Ophthalmology, Department of
  15. Optometry, College of
  16. Orientation
  17. Orthopaedics, Department of
  18. OSU Apparel
  19. OSU Leadership Center
  20. Otolaryngology
  21. Outreach and Engagement, Office of University

  22. Top of Page


  1. P-12 Project
  2. Parking, Transportation and
  3. Pediatric Psychopharmacology, Research Unit on
  4. Pharmacy, College of
  5. Philosophy, Department of
  6. Physical Activity and Educational Services, School of
  7. Physics, Department of
  8. Physiology and Cell Biology, Department of
  9. Plant Molecular Biology/Biotechnology Program
  10. Plant Pathology, Department of
  11. Plant, Cellular, and Molecular Biology, Department of
  12. Plant-Microbe Genomics Facility
  13. Police Department, OSU
  14. Police Department, Wooster Campus
  15. Political Science, Department of
  16. Popular Culture Studies, Office of Interdisciplinary Programs
  17. President, Office of the
  18. Principal's Office
  19. Prior Health Sciences Library
  20. Professional Pathways
  21. Program 60
  22. Provost
  23. Psychology, Department of
  24. Public Affairs, The John Glenn School of Public Affairs
  25. Public Health, College of
  26. Public Policy, The John Glenn School of Public Affairs
  27. Public Safety, University
  28. Purchasing

  29. Top of Page


    Top of Page


  1. Radio Observatory, OSU
  2. Radiology, Department of
  3. Receiving Department
  4. Recreation and Intramural Sports, Department of
  5. Recreation, see Physical Activity and Educational Services, School of
  6. Recycling
  7. REEL (Ohio Program) - Research Experiences to Enhance Learning - The Ohio Consortium for Undergraduate Research (OCUR) is comprised of the chemistry departments of 15 educational institutions spanning the State of Ohio, including community colleges, liberal arts colleges, and research universities.
  8. Regional Campuses
  9. Registrar, see Office of the University Registrar
  10. Religion, Center for the Study of
  11. Repair Service, University
  12. Residence Life, (On Campus Housing)
  13. Rural Sociology

  14. Top of Page


  1. Scholars Center, University Honors and
  2. Scholarships - University-Administered Scholarships"
  3. Schottenstein Center
  4. Search and Directories
  5. Senate, University
  6. Service-Learning Initiative
  7. Shisler Conference Center
  8. Site-Licensed Software
  9. Slavic and Eastern European Studies, Center for
  10. Social and Behavioral Sciences, College of
  11. Social Work, College of
  12. Sociology, Department of
  13. Spanish and Portuguese Department
  14. Speech and Hearing Science
  15. Sports, see Athletics
  16. Staff Advisory Committee, University (USAC)
  17. Staff and Faculty Information
  18. Statistics, Department of
  19. Stone Laboratory, Franz Theodore
  20. Stores
  21. Student Employment Information
  22. Student Health Center, Wilce
  23. Student Housing Legal Clinic
  24. Student Information
  25. Student Life
  26. Student Loan Services/Accounts Receivable, see Office of the Treasurer
  27. Student Loans - Student Financial Aid Loan Programs
  28. Student Newspaper, see The Lantern
  29. Student On-line Services
  30. Student Organizations
  31. Student Services, Off Campus
  32. Student Tuition & Fees
  33. Student Wellness Center
  34. Study Abroad
  35. Summer Conference and Orientation Housing
  36. Surgery, Department of

  37. Top of Page


  1. Technology Enhanced Learning and Research (TELR)
  2. Testing Administration and Scanning Services
  3. Theatre, Department of
  4. Tour and Visitor Information
  5. Trademark & Licensing Services
  6. Transcripts, How to Order
  7. Transportation and Parking Services
  8. Travel Office
  9. Treasurer, Office of the
  10. Trustees, Board of
  11. Tuition & Fees

  12. Top of Page


  1. UniPrint - University Printing Services
  2. UNITS (University Network Integrated Telecommunications System)
  3. University Archives
  4. University Catering
  5. University Communications
  6. University Hospitals -
      Follow this link (University Hospitals) to information on Community Physicians, Health Care Consumers, Managed Care and Business, and Media.
  7. University Libraries - Ohio State
  8. University Police and Wexner Security Service
  9. University Press
  10. University Registrar, Office of the
  11. University Senate
  12. University Staff Advisory Committee (USAC)
  13. University-wide Council of Hispanic Organizations - The University-wide Council of Hispanic Organizations (UCHO) is the umbrella organization for all the Hispanic organization at The Ohio State University

  14. Top of Page


  1. Veterans Affairs
  2. Veterinary Medicine, College of
  3. Visitor Information, OSU
  4. Visual Identity Guidelines

  5. Top of Page


  1. Web Accessibility Center
  2. Web Developers, Information for OSU
  3. Wexner Center for the Arts
  4. Wilce Student Health Center
  5. WiredOut, The Tech Store @ OSU
  6. Women & Philanthropy
  7. Women's Club, The University
  8. Women's Place, The
  9. Women's Studies, Department Of
  10. Work Study
  11. World Wide Web Interest Group, OSU
  12. WOSU Public Media
  13. Writing, Center for the Study and Teaching of

  14. Top of Page


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  1. Younkin Success Center

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