Kentucky State University


Cooperative Association of States for Scholarships (CASS) Program

CASS is a partnership between KSU and the Center for Intercultural and Educational Development (CIED) at Georgetown University with funds from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The CASS Program provides two-year technical training to socio-economically disadvantaged but talented young people from Haiti, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. There are currently 19 participating scholars enrolled in the College of Professional Studies undergoing training in the field of Small Business Management and Marketing.

Beyond training individuals in the field of business, CASS's ultimate objective is to foster the development of people who will become agents of change, assuming the responsibility of sharing their knowledge and skills to produce a positive impact within their communities and countries. In order to achieve this goal, the CASS Program at Kentucky State University has put in place elements that allow for growth in the areas of commitment, responsibility, multiculturalism, professionalism, and education. Upon receipt of the CASS scholarship, each CASS participant agrees to return to his/her home country to implement a Community Action Project that will address the needs of their people in hopes of making their communities healthier and more productive.

During their first year of training, students are placed with host families, helping them to learn more about U.S. culture, values, and different lifestyles and allowing them to learn the English language quickly, as most CASS participants arrive with little to no English speaking abilities. It also creates long lasting ties of friendship across the borders, another goal of the CASS program. Additionally, each CASS scholar is required to perform over 160 hours of community service in the Frankfort area, but most quickly surpass this requirement and continue serving their new community until their departure at the completion of the two-year program.CASS Logo

Please contact the CASS program at KSU if you would like more information.

Coordinator: Jennifer Hubbard-Sánchez
Room 115, Chappell Building
Phone: 502-597-5813