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U.S. Department of Labor
Employment & Training Administration

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Face of Performance

Audrey Glover

Audrey Glover

After becoming a single parent my life's circumstances called for several necessary geographical moves; but finding a job never seemed to be a problem until I moved to Bozeman, Montana in August 2004. As is my custom, I sent resume packets to businesses around town, but the responses were few and I remained unemployed for months. Eventually, I got a call from Bozeman Deaconess Hospital for a position that I felt certain that I would get. After an initial interview with the billing department manager, I was scheduled to go before a "'panel" of three women. I walked in, sat down, and interviewed as accurately and honestly as I could. But when I walked out of the room, I felt rejection follow me. I was not hired.

A friend heard of my dilemma and referred me to Career Transitions in the One-Stop. I applied for the WIA Adult Employment and Training Grant and was accepted. I attended their job readiness and computer literacy class session. The instructors at Career Transitions were supportive, gracious and informative, and the classes helped me update my skills. Along with computer classes, we were advised regarding life skills, resumes, cover letter, job search techniques, and interviews (we even had "mock interviews" and were critiqued). I was able to complete a medical coding class and become a Certified Professional Medical Coder and soon I became employed at Belgrade Urgent Care in the collections department.

Audrey Glover
Tracey Joyner
Gary  Larion
Jessica Hauki
Macarene Adames
Larry Forbes

Face of Performance Archives

Created: March 27, 2004
Updated: January 13, 2009