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Celartem Creates New US-Based DjVu Sales and Operations Center in Seattle to Support Its Growing Customer Base

LizardTech Completes DjVu Management Transfer to Parent Company, Celartem Technology Inc.

SEATTLE, Wash. - July 1, 2008 - Celartem Technology Inc., a provider of software solutions for storage, access and distribution of rich media content, today announced that it has created a new US-based Document Express with DjVu Sales and Operations Center in Seattle. This event marks the completion of LizardTech's DjVu management transfer to Celartem Technology Inc. Additionally, Dr. Hyung Lim will serve as general manager, in Seattle, to direct Celartem's support of the US and European markets.

Dr. Lim joined LizardTech in 2001 as marketing director for the DjVu product line and will use his extensive knowledge of DjVu to continue to grow the brand under the Celartem name. "Our loyal DjVu customers can continue to expect the most efficient product development and the same great customer service," said Dr. Lim. "Also, the current suite of Document Express products will garner even more investment and focus from Celartem headquarters."

"This management transfer will enable LizardTech to dedicate all of our resources to our primary focus of providing our customers with solutions for managing and using their geospatial data." said LizardTech's general manager, Jim White.

Celartem's new US-based DjVu Operations Center will be located within the National Building, also site of LizardTech's current operations facility. "Our clients and business partners will be reassured to know that we have redeveloped the same facility that has serviced our DjVu technology since the year 2000," said Dr. Lim. "Additionally, I am eager to take advantage of Celartem's new US DjVu Operations Center to introduce the new product additions that Celartem has been developing for the document imaging industry. This new location will enable me to visit with many of our customers, understand their respective workflows, and continue to provide them with the world's leading digital asset software solutions."

For further information or questions, please contact David Calabro, Celartem's Document Imaging sales coordinator, at 206-576-2390, or visit

Visit the new Document Express Website

Visit the new DjVu Browser Plug-in Web Page

About LizardTech

LizardTech, a division of Celartem, Inc., was founded in 1992 to build valuable business solutions from technologies created by the world's leading research organizations including Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and AT&T Labs. LizardTech is a leader in applying state-of-the-art technologies to the real-world challenges of managing, distributing, and accessing large complex digital content such as aerial photographs, satellite imagery, and color scanned documents. LizardTech's software is installed on millions of desktops and integrated into a wide variety of platforms and applications. LizardTech has offices in Seattle, London and Tokyo. LizardTech is a division of Celartem, Inc., which is wholly owned by Celartem Technology Inc., (Hercules: 4330). For more information about LizardTech, visit

About Celartem

Celartem Technology Inc. develops and sells innovative technologies for storage, access and distribution of rich media content. Celartem has developed technology in the areas of digital image compression, scalable image viewing and secure content distribution and management. Celartem is listed on the Osaka Securities Exchange, Hercules:4330. Established in 1996, Celartem is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan and has a wholly owned subsidiary, Celartem Inc. with headquarters in Seattle.

For more information, press only:

David Calabro

Justyna Bednarski
1-866-725-5211 or 206-652-5211

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