Mass.Gov logo * Governor
Deval L. Patrick
* Lt. Governor
Timothy P. Murray
* EOEA Secretary
Ian A. Bowles

* Seal of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts *

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Massachusetts has over 3,000 lakes and ponds that provide opportunities for recreation and valuable habitat for a wide diversity of plants and animals.

The Lakes and Ponds Program works with local groups and municipalities to protect, manage and restore these valuable aquatic resources. We provide technical assistance to communities and citizen groups, help to monitor water quality at various public beaches to ensure public safety, and provide educational materials to the public about various lake issues.

The Program strives to ensure a safe future for Massachusetts' waterbodies through a watershed approach and citizen education and involvement.


The Practical Guide to Lake Management has been printed and copies are available from the state bookstore for $11.35 (plus $ 4.50 for shipping and handling.)



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