Special Collections

Native American Seed

The Wildflower Center does not sell seeds but we highly recommend Native American Seed in Junction, Texas. Native American Seed helps translate the Wildflower Center's mission by selling seeds native to Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. Use the list below to learn more about material available at Native American Seed and look for links to their online catalog on selected species. Native American Seed donates a portion of all web referrals to the Wildflower Center.

Printer Friendly Species List

Results 1 through 24 of 126

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Ageratina havanensisHavana snakeroot
Shrubby boneset
White mistflower
Agalinis heterophyllaPrairie false foxglove
Prairie agalinis
Prairie false-foxglove
Amblyolepis setigeraButterfly daisy
Honey daisy
Huisache daisy
Anemone berlandieriTenpetal thimbleweed
Ten-petaled anemone
Andropogon gerardiiBig bluestem
Andropogon glomeratusBushy bluestem
Aquilegia canadensisEastern red columbine
Red columbine
Wild columbine
Aquilegia chrysanthaGolden columbine
Argemone albifloraBluestem pricklypoppy
White pricklypoppy
Aristida purpureaPurple 3-awn
Purple three-awn
Purple threeawn
Red threeawn
Asclepias asperulaAntelope-Horns
Green-flowered milkweed
Spider antelope-horns
Spider milkweed
Asclepias tuberosaButterfly weed
Butterfly milkweed
Orange milkweed
Asclepias viridisGreen antelopehorn
Green milkweed
Baileya multiradiataDesert baileya
Desert marigold
Paper daisy
Showy desert marigold
Bouteloua curtipendulaSideoats grama
Bouteloua dactyloidesBuffalograss
Buffalo grass
Bouteloua gracilisBlue grama
Bothriochloa saccharoidesSilver bluestem
Longspike silver bluestem
Callicarpa americanaAmerican beauty berry
American beautyberry
French mulberry
Callirhoe digitataFinger poppy-mallow
Poppy mallow
Standing winecup
Wine cup
Castilleja indivisaEntireleaf indian paintbrush
Texas paintbrush
Indian paintbrush
Scarlet paintbrush
Entire-leaf indian-paintbrush
Callirhoe involucrataPurple poppy mallow
Purple poppymallow
Callirhoe involucrata var. linearilobaPoppy mallow
Purple poppymallow
White poppy mallow
White winecup
Castilleja purpureaPrairie paintbrush
Downy Indian paintbrush
Purple paintbrush
Lemon paintbrush
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Results 1 through 24 of 126